Detected [07.03] SiroSix Public V14.9

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12 Ottobre 2009
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Nome: SiroSix Public v14.9

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Lo screen è della vecchia v14.2 , uguale alla 14.9

Fonte: wr-cheats

Eventuali Informazioni:
- undetected again, aimbot is now vip only
- Added Windows XP ESP(a new esp methode made by me works without worldtoscreen e.t.c.), undetected again
- small wr update
- fixed speed & instant spawn
- Added Super Unl.Ammo <- 100% credits to unknowpk & some to yazzn
- Activated some vip stuff till 04.01.12
- undetected again & undetected again
- activated some vip stuff, added autoammo(&ammothe), added automedic(&medicother), added autovotekick hotkey: V <- credits to unknowpk
- Added AutoVotekick(Antikick) public for some days
- updated & removed some d3d functions will be added back soon
- D3d stuff is back - big thanks to yazzn
- Updatz0red
- Added AntiAbnormalGamePlay for rockets nades e.t.c.(works good at zombie mod, you still get disconnect if you shot to fast or to much)
- undetected again
Riferimento: [07.03] SiroSix Public V14.9

Non mi parte.. lo apro tranquillamente poi apro warrock e non mi va ne respawn ne gps ne nient'altro o.O
Riferimento: [07.03] SiroSix Public V14.9

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