Richiesta Aggiungere zona in mclawl


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27 Ottobre 2009
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Ciao a tutti ho notato che in un server vi sono molte mappe di mclawl praticamente non utilizzano una sola mappa, come si creano le altre? Quando apro mclawl vi è la mappa del mio server se ne volessi aggiungere altre x + spazio ??? AIutatemi!!!
Riferimento: Aggiungere zona in mclawl

Basta che modifichi il file .cfg con le opzioni a tuo piacimento.
Mi posti quello scritto nel file 'confing.cfg' ? Grazie :emoji_slight_smile:
Riferimento: Aggiungere zona in mclawl

File cfg è questo??

# Edit the settings below to modify how your server operates. This is an explanation of what each setting does.
# server-name = The name which displays on
# motd = The message which displays when a player connects
# port = The port to operate from
# console-only = Run without a GUI (useful for Linux servers with mono)
# verify-names = Verify the validity of names
# public = Set to true to appear in the public server list
# max-players = The maximum number of connections
# max-maps = The maximum number of maps loaded at once
# world-chat = Set to true to enable world chat
# guest-goto = Set to true to give guests goto and levels commands
# irc = Set to true to enable the IRC bot
# irc-nick = The name of the IRC bot
# irc-server = The server to connect to
# irc-channel = The channel to join
# irc-opchannel = The channel to join (posts OpChat)
# irc-port = The port to use to connect
# irc-identify =(true/false) Do you want the IRC bot to Identify itself with nickserv. Note: You will need to register it's name with nickserv manually.
# irc-password = The password you want to use if you're identifying with nickserv
# anti-tunnels = Stops people digging below max-depth
# max-depth = The maximum allowed depth to dig down
# backup-time = The number of seconds between automatic backups
# overload = The higher this is, the longer the physics is allowed to lag. Default 1500
# use-whitelist = Switch to allow use of a whitelist to override IP bans for certain players. Default false.
# force-cuboid = Run cuboid until the limit is hit, instead of canceling the whole operation. Default false.

# Host = The host name for the database (usually
# SQLPort = Port number to be used for MySQL. Unless you manually changed the port, leave this alone. Default 3306.
# Username = The username you used to create the database (usually root)
# Password = The password set while making the database
# DatabaseName = The name of the database stored (Default = MCZall)

# defaultColor = The color code of the default messages (Default = &e)

# Super-limit = The limit for building commands for SuperOPs
# Op-limit = The limit for building commands for Operators
# Adv-limit = The limit for building commands for AdvBuilders
# Builder-limit = The limit for building commands for Builders

# Server options
server-name = Acid Server
motd = No Acid No Party
port = 25565
verify-names = true
public = true
max-players = 100
max-maps = 5
world-chat = true
check-updates = true
autoload = true
auto-restart = false
restarttime = 0.00
restart-on-error = True
main-name = Avvio

# irc bot options
irc = false
irc-nick = MCZall_Minecraft_Bot
irc-server =
irc-channel = #changethis
irc-opchannel = #changethistoo
irc-port = 6667
irc-identify = False
irc-password =

# other options
anti-tunnels = true
max-depth = 20
rplimit = 500
rplimit-norm = 10000
physicsrestart = true
old-help = false
deathcount = true
afk-minutes = 10
afk-kick = 45
parse-emotes = true
dollar-before-dollar = true
use-whitelist = false
money-name = moneys
opchat-perm = 80
log-heartbeat = False
force-cuboid = False
repeat-messages = False
host-state = Alive

# backup options
backup-time = 300
backup-location = Server may lag just saving though

#Error logging
report-back = true

#MySQL information
UseMySQL = True
Host =
SQLPort = 3306
Username = root
Password = pass
DatabaseName = MCZallDB
Pooling = True

defaultColor = &f
irc-color = &5

#Running on mono?
mono = False

#Custom Messages
custom-ban = true
custom-ban-message = Enter Custom Message Here
custom-shutdown = false
custom-shutdown-message = Server shutdown. Rejoin in 10 seconds.

cheapmessage = true
cheap-message-given = is now being cheap and being immortal
rank-super = true
default-rank = guest
Riferimento: Aggiungere zona in mclawl

Ma porcamiseria dico aggiungere un'altra zona vuota su mclawl questo non mi aiuta x nulla -.-