Release AVA- Automatic bypasser, semplice in 2 click


Utente Mitico
Autore del topic
29 Marzo 2009
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How To Use:
-Download The Attachment
-Open Auto-Bypass.exe
-Enter The Driver That Contains [AA]Auto-Bypass Folder (EX/ E: ) And If you Put [AA]Auto-Bypass inside a folder (EX/ E:\Ahmed)
-Enter The Driver That Contains AVA Folder (EX/ C: ) And If It's Inside AeriaGames Folder (EX/ C:\Aeria Games)
-If You Put Any Wrong Path of The 2 Boxes Then Programme will not work.
-To Bypass GG (Must Do This) Press F4 or Click on Bypass GG.
-To Sign CE Drive (Boot) Press F5 or Click on Do Boot.
-To Undo The Boot Press F6 or Click Undo Boot.
-To Show The Auto Bypass F7, To Hide It F8.
-To Exit Click On Exit or Press F9.
-To Donate To MPGH Click On Donate.
-To Go To AVA Section Click On AVA Section.
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se qualcuno non sa come si usa chieda pure.