Problema risolto Building New Computer: AMD or Intel?


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18 Ottobre 2009
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I'm building a new computer and very confused between going with AMD or Intel. I was planning on buying a Pentium Dual-Core e6300 and a gigabyte motherboard, but now i'm discovering how much cheaper the athlon and phenom II's are than the intel dual-core and core 2 duo processors. The AMD's seem to be faster and have basically the same specs as the intels for a lower price. What's the disadvantage of going with AMD instead of intel? And, why are amd motherboards and processors cheaper than intel ones?

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Scusate, lui chiede che processore comprare tra AMD e Intel?

Vabbè.. io dico Intel...

Intel is very very very GOOD!
Ultima modifica:
certo che non si puo confrontare intel con amd in generale....

parlando di prestazioni assolute intel ha sicuramente le cpu piu veloci (core i5 e i7) ma nella fascia bassa del mercato amd è molto competitiva..

visto quello che vuole spendere direi:

CPU AMD Athlon II X2 250 or AMD Phenom II X2 550

Motherboard GIGABYTE AM3 MA785GT-UD3H

RAM DDR3 1600Mhz PC12800 4GB Mushkin Blue Essential Skt1156 CL9 (2x2GB)

220 euro

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