Problema Client bianco


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13 Giugno 2013
Miglior risposta
Salve Ragazzi/e Mi potete aiutare, ho creato un retro serve habbo v63 ho fatto tutto riesco ad accederci ma quando faccio entra in hotel parte il flash.php ma non entra la schermata rimane biancha come posso risolvere questo problema, e poi nella homepage del profilo non mi fa vedere il mio avatar come faccio a risolvere?
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

vai sul mio sito te le ho pubblicate li
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
ma non uso emulatori perché quello in dotazioni al db non funzionava
Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

ok eccoli:


$ssocheck = mysql_query("select * from users where username = '".$rawname."' and password = '".$rawpass."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
$ssocheck2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($ssocheck);
if($ssocheck2['auth_ticket'] == "") {
if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
if(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {
} elseif(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {

} else {
header("location: clientutils.php?key=loginplease");

if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
$roomid = $_get['roomid'];
$checksql = mysql_query("select id from rooms where id = '".$roomid."' limit 1");
$roomexists = mysql_num_rows($checksql);
if($roomexists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- forwarding to room ".$roomid." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- no room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";
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<script type="text/javascript">
var habboReqPath = "";
var habboStaticFilePath = "";
var habboImagerUrl = "";
var habboDefaultClientPopupUrl = "client.php";


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"site.url" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
"url.prefix" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
"client.reload.url" : "account/reauthenticate?page=/flash_client",
"client.fatal.error.url" : "/disconnesso.html",
"client.connection.failed.url" : "/disconnesso.html",
"external.variables.txt" : "",
"external.texts.txt" : "",
"use.sso.ticket" : "1",
"sso.ticket" : "<?php echo $myticket; ?>",
"processlog.enabled" : "0",
"account_id" : "0",
"client.starting" : "Attendi per favore! Wabbo sta caricando.",
"flash.client.url" : "",
"user.hash" : "",
"has.identity" : "0",
"flash.client.origin" : "popup"
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<meta name="description" content="Habbo Hotel: amici, divertimento, celebrità!" />
<meta name="keywords" content="habbo hotel, virtuale, mondo, social network, gratis, community, avatar, personaggio, chat, online, giovane, ragazzi, gioco di ruolo, giochi di ruolo, iscriviti, social, gruppi, forum, sicurezza, giocare, giochi, online, amici, giovani, rari, furni rari, collezione, creare, collezionare, connettersi, furni, mobili, cuccioli, animali, creazione stanze, condivisione, espressione, distintivi, badge, uscire, musica, VIP, celebrità, visite VIP, famosi, mmo, mmorpg, multiplayer" />

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<div id="flash-container">
<div id="content" style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; display: none">
<div class="cbb clearfix">
<h2 class="title">Aggiorna Flash Player all'ultima versione disponibile</h2>
<div class="box-content">
<p>Puoi scaricare e istallare Adobe Flash Player <a href="">da questa URL</a>. Puoi trovare le istruzioni di istallazione <a href="">cliccando qui</a>.</p>

<p><a href=""><img src="flashclient/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; text-align: center">
<p>If you are not automatically redirected, please <a href="/client/nojs">click here</a></p>

<div id="content" class="client-content"></div>
<div style="display: none">
<div id="habboCountUpdateTarget">
4,017 Habbo in Hotel
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
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<script type="text/javascript">
RightClick.init("flash-wrapper", "flash-container");
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ecco il me.php:
| HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
| Copyright © 2008 Meth0d
| HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
| warrenty of any kind.


$pagename = $name;
$pageid = "1";

// Header for minimail
$messages = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_minimail WHERE to_id = '".$my_id."'") or $messages = 0;
header("X-JSON: {\"totalMessages\":".$messages."}");


// Query tags
$fetch_tags = mysql_query("SELECT tag,id FROM cms_tags WHERE ownerid = '".$my_id."' LIMIT 20") or die(mysql_error());
$tags_num = mysql_num_rows($fetch_tags);

// Create the random tag questions array
$randomq[] = "Quale La tua Tag Preferita?";

// Select a random question from the array above
srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000);
$chosen = rand(0,count($randomq)-1);

// Appoint the variable
$tag_question = $randomq[$chosen];


<div id="container">
<div id="content">
<div id="column1" class="column">
<div class="habblet-container ">

<div id="new-personal-info" style="background-image:url(./web-gallery/v2/images/personal_info/hotel_views/htlview_br.png)" />
<div id="enter-hotel">
<?php if($online == "online"){ ?>
<div class="open">
if(HoloText(getContent('client-widescreen'), true) == "1"){
$wide_enabled = true;
} else {
$wide_enabled = false;
<a href="reauthenticate.php<?php if($wide_enabled == false){ echo "?wide=false"; } ?>" target="client" onclick="openOrFocusHabbo(this); return false;">Entra in Xabbo<i></i></a>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="closed">
<span>Hotel Chiuso</span>
<?php } ?>

<div id="habbo-plate">
<a href="account.php?tab=1">
<img alt="<?php echo $name; ?>" src="<?php echo $myrow['look']; ?>&size=b&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture=sml" width="64" height="110" />

<div id="habbo-info">
<div id="motto-container" class="clearfix">
<strong><?php echo $name; ?>:</strong>
<span title="Clicca per cambiare la tua missione!"><?php if(!empty($myrow['motto'])){ echo FilterText($myrow['motto']); } else { echo "Clicca per creare la tua missione!"; } ?></span>
<p style="display: none"><input type="text" length="30" name="motto" value="<?php echo FilterText($myrow['motto']); ?>"/></p>
<div id="motto-links" style="display: none"><a href="#" id="motto-cancel">Annulla</a></div>

<ul id="link-bar" class="clearfix">
<li class="change-looks"><a href="account.php?tab=1">Cambia look &raquo;</a></li>
<li class="credits">
<a href="credits.php"><?php echo $myrow['credits']; ?></a> crediti,

<a href="shop.php"><?php echo $myrow['moneteplus']; ?></a> monete,

<a href="shop.php"><?php echo $myrow['activity_points']; ?></a> pixel.

<li class="club">
<a href="club.php"><?php if( !IsHCMember($my_id) ){ echo "Iscriviti a " . $shortname . " club! &raquo;</a>"; } else { echo HCDaysLeft($my_id) . " </a>Giorni " . $shortname . " club!"; }?>


<div id="habbo-feed">
<ul id="feed-items">

$sqluser = mysql_query("SELECT hc_before FROM users WHERE id='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
$user = mysql_query($sqluser);

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_club WHERE userid='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
if($user['hc_before'] > 0 && mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0) { ?>
<li id="feed-item-hc-reminder">
<a href="#" class="remove-feed-item" id="remove-hc-reminder" title="Remove notification">Rimuovi le modifiche</a>
<?php if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0) { ?> La tua iscrizione di <?php echo $shortname; ?> Club e' scaduta. Vuoi rinnovare la tua iscrizzione di <?php echo $shortname; ?> Club?<?php } ?>
<div id="hc-reminder-buttons" class="clearfix">
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-1" title="31 days, 20 Credits"><b>1 Mese</b><i></i></a>
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-2" title="93 days, 50 Credits"><b>3 Mesi</b><i></i></a>
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-3" title="186 days, 80 Credits"><b>6 Mesi</b><i></i></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("subscription.title", "<?php echo $shortname; ?> CLUB");


if($user['hc_before'] > 0) {
if(HCDaysLeft($my_id) < 6) { ?>
<li id="feed-item-hc-reminder">
<a href="#" class="remove-feed-item" id="remove-hc-reminder" title="Remove notification">Rimuovi Notifica</a>
La tua iscrizione a <?php echo $shortname; ?> Club scade tra <?php echo HCDaysLeft($my_id); ?> Giorni. Vuoi aumentare la tua iscrizione di <?php echo $shortname; ?> Club?
<div id="hc-reminder-buttons" class="clearfix">
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-1" title="31 days, 20 Credits"><b>1 Mese</b><i></i></a>
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-2" title="93 days, 50 Credits"><b>3 Mesi</b><i></i></a>
<a href="#" class="new-button" id="hc-reminder-3" title="186 days, 80 Credits"><b>6 Mesi</b><i></i></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("subscription.title", "<?php echo $shortname; ?> CLUB");


if($user_rank > 5){
$alerts = mysql_evaluate("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_help WHERE picked_up = '0'");
if($alerts > 0){
echo " <li class=\"small\" id=\"feed-group-discussion\">
<strong>Messaggio per lo staff!</strong><br />Ci sono "; if($alerts == 1){ echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo " <strong><a href='./housekeeping/index.php?p=helper' target='_self'>" . $alerts . "</a></strong> Messaggio di aiuto!"; if($alerts > 1){ echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ".

// }

//$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_noobgifts WHERE userid='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
//if(mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) {
//$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); ?>
// }

$dob = $myrow['birth'];
$bits = explode("-", $dob);
$day = $bits[0];
$month2 = $bits[1];
$year2 = $bits[2];

if($day == $today && $month2 == $month && HoloText(getContent('birthday-notifications'), true) == "1"){

$age = $year - $year2;

// If we have haxxorz that bypassed the age check (only javascript validates it), they may be like, what,
// one year old, so instead of showing 'happy 1th birthday', we properly show 'happy 1st birthday' etc.
if($age == 1 || $age == 21){
$age = $age . "st";
} elseif($age == 2 || $age == 22){
$age = $age . "nd";
} elseif($age == 3 || $age = 33){
$age = $age . "rd";
} else {
$age = $age . "th";

<li id="feed-birthday">
Buon compleanno, <?php echo $name; ?>!<br />Speriamo sia un grande giorno!
<?php } ?>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messenger_requests WHERE from_id = '".$my_id."'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql);
if($count != 0){ ?>
<li id="feed-notification">
Tu hai <a href="./client.php" onclick="HabboClient.openOrFocus(this); return false;"><?php echo $count; ?> richieste di amicizia</a> attualmente!
<?php } ?>
<?php /*
$onlineCutOff = (time() - 601);
$onlineUsers = mysql_evaluate("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE online > " . $onlineCutOff);
$get_users = mysql_query("SELECT id,name,email,ipaddress_last,hbirth,online FROM users WHERE online > " . $onlineCutOff . " ORDER BY online DESC LIMIT " . $onlineUsers) or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_users)){

if(empty($row['ipaddress_last'])){ $row['ipaddress_last'] = "No IP Found"; }
printf(" <tr>
<td class='tablerow1' align='center'>%s</td>
<td class='tablerow2'><strong>%s</strong><div class='desctext'>%s [<a href='' target='_blank'>WHOIS</a>]</div></td>
<td class='tablerow2' align='center'><a href='mailto:%s'>%s</a></td>
<td class='tablerow2' align='center'>%s</td>
<td class='tablerow2' align='center'>%s</td>
<td class='tablerow2' align='center'><a href='index.php?p=edituser&key=%s'><img src='./images/edit.gif' alt='Edit User Data'></a></td>
</tr>", $row['id'], $row['name'], $row['ipaddress_last'], $row['ipaddress_last'], $row['email'], $row['email'], $row['hbirth'], (time() - $row['online']) . " seconds ago", $row['id']);
<li id="feed-friends">
You have <strong>1</strong> friends online
*/ ?>

<li class="small" id="feed-lastlogin">
Ultimo accesso:
<?php echo $myrow['lastvisit']; ?>

<li id="feed-friends">
Amici online: <?php
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_one_id = '".$my_id."'");
$i = 0;
while($friends = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$getfriend = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id ='".$friends['user_two_id']."' AND online = '1' LIMIT 1");
if(mysql_num_rows($getfriend) > 0)
if($friend < 0)
echo '';
$friend = mysql_fetch_array($getfriend);
echo '<a href="user_profile.php?name='.$friend['username'].'">'.$friend['username'].'</A>'.', ';

if($i == 0)
echo 'Nessun amico online';


<p class="last"></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
HabboView.add(function() {
L10N.put("personal_info.motto_editor.spamming", "Niente Spam!");

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php /* Minimail */ ?>
<div class="habblet-container minimail" id="mail">
<div class="cbb clearfix blue ">

<h2 class="title">Miei Messaggi
<div id="minimail">
<div class="minimail-contents">
$bypass = true;
$page = "inbox";
<div id="message-compose-wait"></div>
<form style="display: none" id="message-compose">
<div id="message-recipients-container" class="input-text" style="width: 426px; margin-bottom: 1em">
<input type="text" value="" id="message-recipients" />
<div class="autocomplete" id="message-recipients-auto">
<div class="default" style="display: none;">Scrivi il nome del tuo/a amico/a!</div>
<ul class="feed" style="display: none;"></ul>

<input type="text" style="margin: 5px 0" id="message-subject" class="message-text" maxlength="100" tabindex="2" />
<textarea style="margin: 5px 0" rows="5" cols="10" id="message-body" class="message-text" tabindex="3"></textarea>

<div class="new-buttons clearfix">
<a href="#" class="new-button preview"><b>Anteprima</b><i></i></a>
<a href="#" class="new-button send"><b>Invia</b><i></i></a>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_one_id = '".$my_id."' OR user_two_id = '".$my_id."'") or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_num_rows($sql);
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_minimail WHERE to_id = '".$my_id."' OR senderid = '".$my_id."'") or die(mysql_error());
$mescount = mysql_num_rows($sql);
<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("minimail.compose", "Scrivi").put("minimail.cancel", "Annulla")

L10N.put("date.pretty.just_now", "Ora");
L10N.put("date.pretty.one_minute_ago", "1 Minuto fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.minutes_ago", "{0} Minuti fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.one_hour_ago", "1 Ora fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.hours_ago", "{0} Ore fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.yesterday", "Ieri");
L10N.put("date.pretty.days_ago", "{0} Giorni fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.one_week_ago", "1 Settimana fa");
L10N.put("date.pretty.weeks_ago", "{0} Settiamne fa");
new MiniMail({ pageSize: 10,
total: <?php echo $mescount; ?>,
friendCount: <?php echo $count; ?>,
maxRecipients: 50,
messageMaxLength: 20,
bodyMaxLength: 4096,
secondLevel: <?php if($count = 0){ echo "true"; }else{ echo "false"; } ?>});
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php /* Noob Gift ?>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT noob,gift,roomid,sort FROM users WHERE id='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_query($sql);
if($row['noob'] == 0 && $row['gift'] == 0 && $row['roomid'] == 0) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container " id="roomselection">
<div class="cbb clearfix rooms ">

<h2 class="title">Select your room!
<span class="habblet-close" id="habblet-close-roomselection"></span></h2>
<div id="roomselection-plp-intro" class="box-content">
Hey! You haven't chosen your pre-decorated room, which comes with free furniture! Choose one below:

<ul id="roomselection-plp" class="clearfix">
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=0" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 0);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=1" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 1);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=2" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 2);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=3" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 3);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=4" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 4);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=5" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 5);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("roomselection.hide.title", "Hide room selection");
L10N.put("roomselection.old_user.done", "And you\'re done! The hotel will now open in a new window and you\'ll be redirected to your room in no time!");

<?php }elseif($row['noob'] == 1 && $row['roomid'] != 0) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container " id="giftqueue">
<div class="cbb clearfix rooms ">

<h2 class="title">Your next gift!
<span class="habblet-close" id="habblet-close-giftqueue"></span></h2>
<div class="box-content" id="gift-container">
<?php if($row['gift'] < 2) { ?>

<div class="gift-img"><?php if($row['gift'] == 0) { ?><img src="<?php echo $habboversion; ?>/web-gallery/v2/images/welcome/newbie_furni/noob_stool_<?php echo $row['sort']; ?>.png" alt="My first Obbah stool" /><?php }elseif($row['gift'] == 1) { ?><img src=""><?php } ?></div>
<div class="gift-content-container">

<p class="gift-content">
Your next piece of free furniture will be <strong><?php if($row['gift'] == 0) { echo "My first stool"; }elseif($row['gift'] == 1) { echo "plant"; } ?></strong>

<b>Time left:</b> <span id="gift-countdown"></span>

<p class="last">
<a class="new-button green-button" href="client.php?forwardId=2&roomId=<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>" target="client" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;"><b>Go to your room &gt;&gt;</b><i></i></a>
<br style="clear: both" />

// calculate time

$time = time();
$day = date("j");
$month = date("n");
$year = date("y");
$date = mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, $year);
$timeleft = $date-$time; ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("time.hours", "{0}h");
L10N.put("time.minutes", "{0}min");
L10N.put("time.seconds", "{0}s");
GiftQueueHabblet.init(<?php echo $timeleft; ?>);
<?php }else{ ?>
How do you get more furniture into Your room?

You could buy a set of furniture for just 3 credits including a lamp, mat, and two armchairs. How do you do that?

<ul><li>1. Buy some credits from the <a href="/credits">credits</a> section</li><li>2. Open the catalogue from the Hotel toolbar (Chair icon)</li><li>3. Open the deals section</li><li>4. Pick up the furni set You want</li><li>5. Thank You for shopping!</li></ul>

<p class="aftergift-img">
<img src="" alt="" width="381" height="63"/>

<p class="last">
<a class="new-button green-button" href="client.php?forwardId=2&roomId=<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>" target="client" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;"><b>Go to your room &gt;&gt;</b><i></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
<?php } ?>


<?php } ?>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php */ ?>
<?php /*Habbo Search*/ ?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix default ">
<div class="box-tabs-container clearfix">
<h2><?php echo $shortname; ?>s</h2>
<ul class="box-tabs">
<li id="tab-0-4-1"><a href="#">Cerca <?php echo $shortname; ?></a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>

<li id="tab-0-4-2" class="selected"><a href="#">Invita amici</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>
<div id="tab-0-4-1-content" style="display: none">
<div class="habblet-content-info">
<a name="habbo-search">Scrivi il nome o anche solo l' iniziale di un <?php echo $shortname; ?> che cerchi!</a>
<div id="habbo-search-error-container" style="display: none;"><div id="habbo-search-error" class="rounded rounded-red"></div></div>
<br clear="all"/>
<div id="avatar-habblet-list-search">
<input type="text" id="avatar-habblet-search-string"/>

<a href="#" id="avatar-habblet-search-button" class="new-button"><b>Cerca</b><i></i></a>

<br clear="all"/>

<div id="avatar-habblet-content">
<div id="avatar-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container">
<ul class="habblet-list">

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("", "Il Nome Che Hai Scritto e troppo Lungo. La lunghezza massima e di 30 caratteri.");
L10N.put("", "La parola chiave di ricerca e troppo breve. 2 caratteri richiesti");
L10N.put("", "Aggiungi Agli Amici");
new HabboSearchHabblet(2, 30);



<script type="text/javascript">
Rounder.addCorners($("habbo-search-error"), 8, 8);
</script> </div>
<div id="tab-0-4-2-content" >
<div id="friend-invitation-habblet-container" class="box-content">
<div style="display: none">
<div id="invitation-form" class="clearfix">
<textarea name="invitation_message" id="invitation_message" class="invitation-message">In <?php echo $shortname; ?> hai invitato:
- <?php echo $rawname; ?></textarea>
<div id="invitation-email">
<div class="invitation-input">1.<input onkeypress="$('invitation_recipient2').enable()" type="text" name="invitation_recipients" id="invitation_recipient1" value="Friend's email address:" class="invitation-input" />

<div class="invitation-input">2.<input disabled onkeypress="$('invitation_recipient3').enable()" type="text" name="invitation_recipients" id="invitation_recipient2" value="Friend's email address:" class="invitation-input" />
<div class="invitation-input">3.<input disabled type="text" name="invitation_recipients" id="invitation_recipient3" value="Friend's email address:" class="invitation-input" />
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="fielderror" id="invitation_message_error" style="display: none;"><div class="rounded"></div></div>


<div class="invitation-buttons clearfix" id="invitation_buttons">
<a class="new-button" id="send-friend-invite-button" href="#"><b>Invita amico</b><i></i></a>

<div id="invitation-link-container">
<h3>Invita gente in <?php echo $shortname; ?> e avrai delle ricopense!</h3>

<div class="copytext">
<p>Invita i tuoi amici in <?php echo $shortname; ?> Hotel!
Potresti ricevere un premio. Piu' persone porti meglio e' per te.
Buon lavoro, e soprattuttto buon divertimento con i tuoi amici e con quelli che troverai in <?php echo $shortname; ?>!</p>
<div class="invitation-buttons clearfix">
<a class="new-button" id="getlink-friend-invite-button" href="#"><b>Clicca per il link di invito!</b><i></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("invitation.button.invite", "Invita amici");
L10N.put("invitation.form.recipient", "Email amico/a:");
L10N.put("invitation.error.message_too_long", "invitation.error.message_limit");
inviteFriendHabblet = new InviteFriendHabblet(500);
$("friend-invitation-habblet-container").select(".fielderror .rounded").each(function(el) {
Rounder.addCorners(el, 8, 8);

</script> </div>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php /* Recommend Groups */?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix red ">

<h2 class="title">Facebook
<div id="promogroups-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container groups-list">
<ul class="habblet-list two-cols clearfix">

<center><iframe src=";width=292&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color&amp;stream=false&amp;header=true&amp;height=427" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:427px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe></center>




<?php /* Events */ ?>
//$res = mysql_query("show table status like 'events'")
//or die(mysql_error());
//$table_exists = mysql_num_rows($res) == 1;
if($table_exists == 1){ ?>

//$getem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE category = '1'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getem)) {


$even = "odd";
} else {
$even = "even";

// Calculate percentage

// Base room icon based on this - percantage levels may not be habbolike


<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php } ?>

<script type='text/javascript'>if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div id="column2" class="column">
<div class="habblet-container news-promo">
<div class="cbb clearfix notitle ">

<div id="newspromo">
<div id="topstories">
<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_1_topstory; ?>)">
<h4>Ultime News</h4>
<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_1_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_1_title; ?></a></h3>

<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_1_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_1_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>
<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_2_topstory; ?>); display: none">
<h4>Ultime news</h4>

<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_2_title; ?></a></h3>
<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_2_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>

<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_3_topstory; ?>); display: none">
<h4>Ultime News</h4>

<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_3_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_3_title; ?></a></h3>
<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_3_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>

<div id="topstories-nav" style="display: none"><a href="#" class="prev">&laquo; Indietro</a><span>1</span> / 3<a href="#" class="next">Avanti &raquo;</a></div>
<ul class="widelist">
<li class="even">

<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_4_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_4_title; ?> &raquo;</a><div class="newsitem-date"><?php echo $news_4_date; ?></div>
<li class="odd">
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_5_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_5_title; ?> &raquo;</a><div class="newsitem-date"><?php echo $news_5_date; ?></div>
<li class="last"><a href="news.php">Altre news &raquo;</a></li>

<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { NewsPromo.init(); });


<?php /* Recommend Groups */?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix red ">

<h2 class="title">Lo Staff Consiglia...
<div id="promogroups-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container groups-list">
<ul class="habblet-list two-cols clearfix">
<?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_recommended WHERE type = 'group' ORDER BY id ASC") or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {

$groupsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups_details WHERE id = '".$row['rec_id']."' LIMIT 1");
$grouprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($groupsql);

$even = "even left";
} else {
$even = "even right";
<li class="<?php echo $even; ?>" style="background-image: url(./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=<?php echo $grouprow['badge']; ?>.gif)">
<?php if($grouprow['roomid'] != 0) { ?><a href="client.php?forwardId=2&amp;roomId=<?php echo $grouprow['roomid']; ?>" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $grouprow['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;" target="client" class="group-room"></a><?php } ?>
<a class="item" href="group_profile.php?id=<?php echo $grouprow['id']; ?>"><?php echo HoloText($grouprow['name']); ?></a>
<?php } ?>



<?php /* Recommend Groups */?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix blue ">

<h2 class="title"><img src=""> Radio</img>
<div id="promogroups-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container groups-list">
<ul class="habblet-list two-cols clearfix">


<img src=""></img>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="260" height="25" id="utv575897"><param name="flashvars" value="autoplay=true&amp;brand=embed&amp;cid=8708740&amp;v3=1"/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="movie" value=""/><embed flashvars="autoplay=true&amp;brand=embed&amp;cid=8708740&amp;v3=1" width="260" height="25" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" id="utv575897" name="utv_n_501221" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /></object><br />






<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php /*Tags */ ?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix green ">
<div class="box-tabs-container clearfix">
<ul class="box-tabs">
<li id="tab-3-1"><a href="#">Gli altri amano...</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>
<li id="tab-3-2" class="selected"><a href="#">I miei tag</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>
<div id="tab-3-1-content" style="display: none">
<div class="progressbar"><img src="./web-gallery/images/progress_bubbles.gif" alt="" width="29" height="6" /></div>
<a href="tagcloud.php?sp=plain" class="tab-ajax"></a>
<div id="tab-3-2-content" >
<div id="my-tag-info" class="habblet-content-info">
<?php if($tags_num > 19){ echo "Raggiunto il Limite di Tag."; } elseif($tags_num == 0){ echo "Non hai tags. Rispondi alla domanda o inserisci un tag a tua scelta."; } elseif($tags_num < 20){ echo "non e stato utilizzato su tutti i tuoi tag per adesso - aggiungere un po 'di piu!"; } ?>
<div class="box-content">
<div class="habblet" id="my-tags-list">

<?php if($tags_num > 0){
echo "<ul class=\"tag-list make-clickable\"> ";
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($fetch_tags)){
printf("<li><a href=\"tags.php?tag=%s\" class=\"tag\" style=\"font-size:10px\">%s</a>\n
<a class=\"tag-remove-link\"\n
title=\"Rimuovi Tag\"\n
href=\"#\"></a></li>\n", $row['tag'], $row['tag']);
echo "</ul>";
} ?>

<?php if($tags_num < 20){ ?>
<form method="post" action="tags_ajax.php?key=add" onsubmit="TagHelper.addFormTagToMe();return false;" >
<div class="add-tag-form clearfix">
<a class="new-button" href="#" id="add-tag-button" onclick="TagHelper.addFormTagToMe();return false;"><b>Aggiungi tag</b><i></i></a>
<input type="text" id="add-tag-input" maxlength="20" style="float: right"/>
<em class="tag-question"><?php echo $tag_question; ?></em>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
<?php } ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
tagLimitText: "Hai Raggiunto il limite Massimo Di tag.",
invalidTagText: "Tag invalida",
buttonText: "OK"

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php /* Groups */ ?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix blue ">
<div class="box-tabs-container clearfix">
<ul class="box-tabs">
<li id="tab-2-2" class="selected"><a href="#">I miei gruppi</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>
<div id="tab-2-1-content" style="display: none">
<div class="progressbar"><img src="./web-gallery/images/progress_bubbles.gif" alt="" width="29" height="6" /></div>
<a href="randomgroups.php?sp=plain" class="tab-ajax"></a>
<div id="tab-2-2-content" >

<div id="groups-habblet-info" class="habblet-content-info">
Crea un gruppo e fallo diventare il piu' famoso della community !

<div id="groups-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container groups-list">

$get_em = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups_memberships WHERE userid = '".$my_id."'") or die(mysql_error());
$groups = mysql_num_rows($get_em);

echo "\n <ul class=\"habblet-list two-cols clearfix\">";

$num = 0;

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_em)){

$pos = "right";
} else {
$pos = "left";

$oddeven = "odd";
} else {
$oddeven = "even";

$group_id = $row['groupid'];
$check = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups_details WHERE id = '".$group_id."' LIMIT 1");
$groupdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($check);

echo " <li class=\"".$oddeven." ".$pos."\" style=\"background-image: url(./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupdata['badge'].")\">\n \n \n <a class=\"item\" href=\"group_profile.php?id=".$group_id."\">".HoloText($groupdata['name'])."</a>\n </li>";

$rights_should_be = $lefts;
if($rights !== $rights_should_be){
echo "<li class=\"".$oddeven." right\"><div class=\"item\">&nbsp;</div></li>";

echo "\n </ul>";

<div class="habblet-button-row clearfix"><a class="new-button" id="purchase-group-button" href="#"><b>Crea e compra un gruppo.</b><i></i></a></div>

<div id="groups-habblet-group-purchase-button" class="habblet-list-container"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
$("purchase-group-button").observe("click", function(e) { Event.stop(e);; });



<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php /* DISABLED AS HABBO NO LONGER HAS THESE!!! --- Users Online ?>
<div class="cbb clearfix white">
<div class="box-content">

<ul id="feed-items">

<li id="feed-friends">
<img src="./web-gallery/album1/users_online.PNG" border="0" alt="Server Status" align="left">
<?php if($enable_status_image == "0" || $enable_status_image == "1" & $online == "online"){ ?>
<b><?php echo $online_count; ?></b> users online right now
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo $sitename; ?> is <b>offline</b>
<?php } ?>
<br />

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php /* Random Rooms ?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix green ">
<div class="box-tabs-container clearfix">
<h2>Random Rooms</h2>
<ul class="box-tabs">
<div id="tab-0-2-content" >

<div id="rooms-habblet-list-container-h105" class="recommendedrooms-lite-habblet-list-container">
<ul class="habblet-list">

$i = 0;
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rooms WHERE owner IS NOT NULL ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5") or die(mysql_error());

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getem)) {
if($row['owner'] !== ""){ // Public Rooms (and possibly bugged rooms) have no owner, thus do not display them

$even = "odd";
} else {
$even = "even";

// Calculate percentage
if($row['incnt_max'] == 0){ $row['incnt_max'] = 1; }
$data[$i] = ($row['incnt_now'] / $row['incnt_max']) * 100;

// Base room icon based on this - percantage levels may not be habbolike
if($data[$i] == 99 || $data[$i] > 99){
$room_fill = 5;
} elseif($data[$i] > 65){
$room_fill = 4;
} elseif($data[$i] > 32){
$room_fill = 3;
} elseif($data[$i] > 0){
$room_fill = 2;
} elseif($data[$i] < 1){
$room_fill = 1;

printf("<li class=\"%s\">
<span class=\"clearfix enter-room-link room-occupancy-%s\" title=\"Go to room\" roomid=\"%s\">
<span class=\"room-enter\">Enter</span>
<span class=\"room-name\">%s</span>
<span class=\"room-description\">%s</span>
<span class=\"room-owner\">Owner: <a href=\"user_profile.php?name=%s\">%s</a></span>
</li>", $even, $room_fill, $row['id'], HoloText($row['name']), FilterText($row['descr']), $row['owner'], $row['owner']);

<div class="clearfix"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("show.more", "Show more rooms");
L10N.put("show.less", "Show fewer rooms");
var roomListHabblet_h105 = new RoomListHabblet("rooms-habblet-list-container-h105", "room-toggle-more-data-h105", "room-more-data-h105");

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
*/ ?>

<script type="text/javascript">




<script type="text/javascript">
//alert("Attenzione i widge ( i miei distintivi) nelle homepage vanno messi assieme ad ( i miei amici) per il corretto funzionamento , se togliete i miei amici , togliete pure i distintivi , invece se volete rimetterli mettete i miei amici e i miei distintivi !");
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

quindi mi tocca rifare tutto o devo sostituire solo i file? oppure inserisco solamente i file nella cartella xampp>hotdocs?
Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

Sposto in assistenza tecnica.
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

Inserisci la cartella r63 in htdocs, vai in gamedata/external_variables e configurali mettendo dove lo richiede l' ip del tuo hotel, poi metti tutti i link dei dcr esatti nel client e dovrebbe partire tutto
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

ok ma in quale parte del cliente metto i dcr mi fai uno screen con evidenziato dove devo inserire ip hamachi perchè non so dove metterli
Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

Dove lo richiede, se mi dici che pack usi faccio io...
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

r63 me la passato uno ecco il link per il download della pach che mi ha dato
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

salve supermoderatore vorrei porle una domanda, come faccio a cambiare il mio nickname
--------------- AGGIUNTA AL POST ---------------
io uso ColdFusion Pack v1.0.0 per il mio retro v63 ma l'emu in dotazione non funziona quindi non uso emu
Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

ColdFusion? La porta dell' emu dovrebbe essere 1232, se non erro, postami nuovamente il client ed il config dell' emulatore, comunque per cambiare nick puoi inviare un pm ad un amministratore, così che lui te lo possa cambiare, ma non prenderci l' abitudine puoi solo richiederlo dato che non hai superato i 50 messaggi :emoji_relieved:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

vorrei cambiarlo perché io mi ero registrato con un nome a caso e vorrei usare il mio vero nome Angelo,comunque l'emu non va non so se è perché la porta di xampp e diversa ecco il materiale che mi hai chiesto:
Questo è il client.php


$ssocheck = mysql_query("select * from users where username = '".$rawname."' and password = '".$rawpass."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
$ssocheck2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($ssocheck);
if($ssocheck2['auth_ticket'] == "") {
if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
if(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {
} elseif(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {

} else {
header("location: clientutils.php?key=loginplease");

if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
$roomid = $_get['roomid'];
$checksql = mysql_query("select id from rooms where id = '".$roomid."' limit 1");
$roomexists = mysql_num_rows($checksql);
if($roomexists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- forwarding to room ".$roomid." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- no room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";
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<script type="text/javascript">
var habboReqPath = "";
var habboStaticFilePath = "";
var habboImagerUrl = "";
var habboDefaultClientPopupUrl = "client.php";


<link rel="stylesheet" href="flashclient/habboclient.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="flashclient/habboflashclient.css" type="text/css" />
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<script type="text/javascript">

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var flashvars = {
"client.allow.cross.domain" : "1",
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"" : "",
"" : "9797",
"site.url" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
"url.prefix" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
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"client.connection.failed.url" : "/disconnesso.html",
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"external.texts.txt" : "",
"use.sso.ticket" : "1",
"sso.ticket" : "<?php echo $myticket; ?>",
"processlog.enabled" : "0",
"account_id" : "0",
"client.starting" : "Attendi per favore! Wabbo sta caricando.",
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"has.identity" : "0",
"flash.client.origin" : "popup"
var params = {
"base" : "",
"allowScriptAccess" : "always",
"menu" : "false"

if (!(HabbletLoader.needsFlashKbWorkaround())) {
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FlashExternalInterface.signoutUrl = "logout.php";

var clientUrl = "";
swfobject.embedSWF(clientUrl, "flash-container", "100%", "100%", "10.0.0", "flashclient/expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);

window.onbeforeunload = unloading;
function unloading() {
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clientObject = document["flash-container"];
try {
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<meta name="description" content="Habbo Hotel: amici, divertimento, celebrità!" />
<meta name="keywords" content="habbo hotel, virtuale, mondo, social network, gratis, community, avatar, personaggio, chat, online, giovane, ragazzi, gioco di ruolo, giochi di ruolo, iscriviti, social, gruppi, forum, sicurezza, giocare, giochi, online, amici, giovani, rari, furni rari, collezione, creare, collezionare, connettersi, furni, mobili, cuccioli, animali, creazione stanze, condivisione, espressione, distintivi, badge, uscire, musica, VIP, celebrità, visite VIP, famosi, mmo, mmorpg, multiplayer" />

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body { behavior: url(/js/; }
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<div id="flash-container">
<div id="content" style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; display: none">
<div class="cbb clearfix">
<h2 class="title">Aggiorna Flash Player all'ultima versione disponibile</h2>
<div class="box-content">
<p>Puoi scaricare e istallare Adobe Flash Player <a href="">da questa URL</a>. Puoi trovare le istruzioni di istallazione <a href="">cliccando qui</a>.</p>

<p><a href=""><img src="flashclient/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; text-align: center">
<p>If you are not automatically redirected, please <a href="/client/nojs">click here</a></p>

<div id="content" class="client-content"></div>
<div style="display: none">
<div id="habboCountUpdateTarget">
4,017 Habbo in Hotel
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20000);
<script type="text/javascript">
RightClick.init("flash-wrapper", "flash-container");
if (window.opener && window.opener != window && window.opener.location.href == "/") {

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-448325-20");

<script type="text/javascript">;


Questo e il config.php:
|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!

| If you get any errors while attempting to connect to |
| MySQL, you will need to email your webhost because we |
| cannot tell you the correct values for the variables |
| in this file. |

// These are the settings required to connect to your MySQL Database.
$sqlhostname = "localhost";
$sqlusername = "root";
$sqlpassword = "123";
$sqldb = "Wabbo_db";

// ****** STATUS CHECKS SYSTEM ******
// This option will allow HoloCMS to perform full status checks. This,
// however, slows down your site A LOT. It is therefore disabled by
// default.
$enable_status_image = "0";

// ****** SITE PATH ******
// The full URL to your site; with an slash added on the end.
$path = "";

// ****** REFFERAL REWARD ******
// The amount of credits a user recieves upon referring a friend to the
// hotel. Set to '500' by default.
$reward = "50";

// User ID of the System Administrator. Will be granted access to sensitive
// features. Set to '1' by default. This setting will not change your
// ingame priveliges.
$sysadmin = "1";

// How HoloCMS stores passowrds.
// Do NOT manually change this unless you know what you are doing,
// doing so may corrupt your database.
$encryption = "new";
$hashtext = "";

// ****** BADGES ******
// Where badges are located.
$cimagesurl = "";
$badgesurl = "album1584/";

// ****** EMAIL VERIFY ******
// Email verification settings
$email_verify = true;
$email_force_verify = false;
$email_verify_reward = "500";

Questo è il flash.php:


$ssocheck = mysql_query("select * from users where username = '".$rawname."' and password = '".$rawpass."' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());
$ssocheck2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($ssocheck);
if($ssocheck2['auth_ticket'] == "") {
if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
if(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {
} elseif(isset($_get['wide'])) {
} else {

} else {
header("location: clientutils.php?key=loginplease");

if($online !== "online" && $enable_status_image == "1"){
echo "<font color='white'><center><b>".$sitename." is offline</b></center></font>";

if(isset($_get['roomid']) && $_get['forwardid'] == "2"){
$roomid = $_get['roomid'];
$checksql = mysql_query("select id from rooms where id = '".$roomid."' limit 1");
$roomexists = mysql_num_rows($checksql);
if($roomexists > 0){
$forward = "1";
echo "<!-- forwarding to room ".$roomid." -->";
} else {
$forward = "0";
echo "<!-- room doesn't exist; not forwarding -->";
} else {
echo "<!-- no room forward requested, normal loader -->";
$forward = "0";
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<title>Wabbo: </title>

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var andSoItBegins = (new Date()).getTime();
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<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Habbo: RSS" href="" />
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<script type="text/javascript">

<script type="text/javascript">
var habboReqPath = "";
var habboStaticFilePath = "";
var habboImagerUrl = "";
var habboDefaultClientPopupUrl = "client.php";


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if (top == self) {
var flashvars = {
"client.allow.cross.domain" : "1",
"client.notify.cross.domain" : "0",
"" : "",
"" : "9797",
"site.url" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
"url.prefix" : "<?php echo $path; ?>",
"client.reload.url" : "account/reauthenticate?page=/flash_client",
"client.fatal.error.url" : "",
"client.connection.failed.url" : "",
"external.variables.txt" : "", "external.texts.txt" : "", "productdata.load.url" : "", "furnidata.load.url" : "",
"use.sso.ticket" : "1",
"sso.ticket" : "<?php echo $myticket; ?>",
"processlog.enabled" : "0",
"account_id" : "0",
"client.starting" : "Attendi per favore! Wabbo sta caricando.",
"flash.client.url" : "",
"user.hash" : "",
"has.identity" : "0",
"flash.client.origin" : "popup"
var params = {
"base" : "",
"allowScriptAccess" : "always",
"menu" : "false"

if (!(HabbletLoader.needsFlashKbWorkaround())) {
params["wmode"] = "opaque";

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<meta name="description" content="Habbo Hotel: amici, divertimento, celebrità!" />
<meta name="keywords" content="habbo hotel, virtuale, mondo, social network, gratis, community, avatar, personaggio, chat, online, giovane, ragazzi, gioco di ruolo, giochi di ruolo, iscriviti, social, gruppi, forum, sicurezza, giocare, giochi, online, amici, giovani, rari, furni rari, collezione, creare, collezionare, connettersi, furni, mobili, cuccioli, animali, creazione stanze, condivisione, espressione, distintivi, badge, uscire, musica, VIP, celebrità, visite VIP, famosi, mmo, mmorpg, multiplayer" />

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body { behavior: url(/js/; }
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<div id="flash-container">
<div id="content" style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; display: none">
<div class="cbb clearfix">
<h2 class="title">Aggiorna Flash Player all'ultima versione disponibile</h2>
<div class="box-content">
<p>Puoi scaricare e istallare Adobe Flash Player <a href="">da questa URL</a>. Puoi trovare le istruzioni di istallazione <a href="">cliccando qui</a>.</p>

<p><a href=""><img src="flashclient/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
<div style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; text-align: center">
<p>If you are not automatically redirected, please <a href="/client/nojs">click here</a></p>

<div id="content" class="client-content"></div>
<div style="display: none">
<div id="habboCountUpdateTarget">
4,017 Habbo in Hotel
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20000);
<script type="text/javascript">
RightClick.init("flash-wrapper", "flash-container");
if (window.opener && window.opener != window && window.opener.location.href == "/") {

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-448325-20");

<script type="text/javascript">;

--------------- AGGIUNTA AL POST ---------------
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Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

ok quindi uso hubbe dcr e l'emu ma mi fai uno screen con evidenziati i punti dove mettere i dcr
Riferimento: Ho Un Grosso Probblema

Posta l'external_variables e il client.php che te lo modifico io.Dammi anche il tuo ip