/** ************************************************\
* /
* /
$LOGIN_TRUE = true;
$hotelRoomForwardId = "29"; // Do you want forward your users automaticly to a room?
// Just put the ID of the room here
(Or not? A random not exist room number like 03945693563905639563956395639563956389563956 or 'false')
<title><?php echo $_WEBSITE["HTL"]["name"] ?> Hotel: Client</title>
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"forward.id" : "<?php if(isset($_GET["roomId"])) { echo $_GET["roomId"]; }else if(getInformationATR($_USER["AVATAR"]["id"], "home_room") !== "0") { echo getInformationATR($_USER["AVATAR"]["id"], "home_room"); }else{ echo $hotelRoomForwardId; }?>",
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