Guida Codici PacketLogger


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9 Maggio 2007
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Ecco se a qualcuno servissero ho trovato questo:

Speach Packets
When Talking These Packets Are sent to the server, Along with you're Speach
ID, And you're Message.

@Y(SpeachID)(message) ; Whisper Packet (When Talking)

@X(SpeachID)(message) ; Speak Packet (When Talking)

@Z(SpeachID)(message) ; Shout Packet (When Talking)

Credit Packets
@F ; Sent When Buying Credit's With A voucher
Broke Down
@F(How Many Credits)(Hex 1)(Hex 1)
Habbo Club
@Gclub_habbo ; Sent When You Buy Habbo Club. Along With you're new Fuse Rights, And Looks
Example :
@Bfuse_logindefaultfuse_use_club_outfitsfuse_us e_club_badgefuse_use_special_room_layouts
fuse_room_queue_clubfuse_room_queue_defaultfuse _buy_creditsfuse_use_club_dance
fuse_extended_buddylistfuse_priority_accessfuse _furni_chooserfuse_trade
150,155,160,165,170,175,176,177,178,180,185,190,19 5,200,205,206,207,210,215,
220,225,230,235,240,245,250,255,260,265,266,267,27 0,275,280,281,285,290,295,
300,305,500,505,510,515,520,525,530,535,540,545,55 0,555,565,570,575,580,585,
590,595,596,600,605,610,615,620,625,626,627,630,63 5,640,645,650,655,660,665,
667,669,670,675,680,685,690,695,696,700,705,710,71 5,720,725,730,735,740,800,
801,802,803,804,805,806,807,808,809,810,811,812,81 3,814,815,816,817,818,819,
820,821,822,823,824,825,826,827,828,829,830,831,83 2,833,834,835,836,837,838,
839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847,848,849,850,85 1,852,853,854,855,856,857,
858,859,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,867,868,869,87 0,871,872,873]@Gclub_habboSGJHJ
Hand Packets
(A] ; Packet For adding Furniture To you're Hand (example when you buy somthing)
So, Again, Broke down
(A](furniture ID)(hex 1)(furniture Sprite)(Hex 1)(Location When The Furni Is Dropped)
(Height Off which the furni Is dropped)(Hex 1)(Hex 1)(Hex 1)(unsure)(Hex 1)(Hex 1)(unsure)(Hex 1)

BLSI ; This packet is sent when you open you're hand, Or click the >> Or << Icon's on you're hand
It sends to the server the data of the furniture in you're hand.. An Example Is
Broken down..
BLSI(Hex1 1)(Poster ID)(Hex 1)(Unsure)(Hex 1)(Unsure)(Hex 1)(Poster ID)(Hex 1)
(Say's If its a wall Item Or a floor Item)(Hex 1)(Sprite)(seperator (Ithink))(Hex 1)(Hex 1)
Badge Packets
There is only one packet I know for badges, And thats CdH, I'll show you how it works
When you switch you're badge on the
CdH Packet is sent, so you can see you're badge. For example If you put you're Bronze
HC Badge on the packet send would be
Broken down
CdH(Badge Code)(hex 1)(Hex 1)
If you wanted to turn it off, The packet sent would be
As there is no badge to show. It turns off, Clever Eh?
Trading Packets
Al ; This is the packet sent when you open a trade window, An example of this packet
in use is
AlMyrax false
Enemy, false

Broken Down, This is
Al(username) (Say's you Haven't accepted) (hex 1)(username Of the Chap you're trading)
(Say's He Hasn't Accepted) (hex 1)(hex 1)
Simple Stuff eh?

SI ; When Some one add's somthing to the trade window, Again the Al Packet is sent, And then
This packet is sent. An Example of this is
AlMyrax false
Enemy, false SI173859720I17385972poster32/

Broken Down. (Im not going to break down the Al Packet, As that is done above)
SI(Hex 1)(Poster ID)(Hex 1)(Unsure)(Hex 1)(Unsure)(Hex 1)(Poster ID)(Hex 1)
(Say's If its a wall Item Or a floor Item)(Hex 1)(Sprite)(seperator (Ithink))(Hex 1)(Hex 1)

Am ; This packet is sent when one of the p[eople who are trading accepts, An example of this
Broken down
Am(Username Of Person Who has accepted)(seperator)(say's He has accepted)(Hex 1)

Ao ; Tell's the server to add the trade items to you're Hand Example
Its self Explanatory And the BLSI Packet Is explained Higher Up

- from forums user myrax

- from
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CT - Gives you the Voucher Alert
AC - Yay! It's being delivered now Alert
AD - You don't have enough credits Alert
BC - No Answer alert from a doorbell request
CU - Some sort of purse error
CV - Under 11 years old message
CZ - Unacceptable email message
A& - Some trade error
A[ - Waiting doorbell message
A' - Another trade error
C_ - Whos in here Notice

Useful codes -

A` - Clothe Window in Lido
BT - Mod Tool
@i - Sends user to hotel view (serverside)
@R - Sends user to hotel view (clientside)
DS - Update e-mail window
C~� - Battle-Ball Screen
BE - Sends you a Habbo console message
@L - Deletes everyone from your list
Bg - Updates Look
AI - Buy Tickets Window
@o - Rights Anywhere (clientside)
DBO - Reloads Room
@CPO - Updates User Status
BK[text] - Normal Notice
DK[text] - Query Notice
AD[text] - Purchase Notice
BS[text] - Console Mission
B![text] - Moderator Says Notice
@amod_warn/[text] - Mod warn

CeI[badge code] - Client Badge
AGlamp setlamp 666� - Makes the Club Helsinki floor glow
BLSI-55112730S5511273camera - Client Camera
A\[Teleporter ID]/[Username]/door[number] - Nukes Teleporter
@`PR65md_limukaappiQAQAIIJ0.00,0,0H - Client Habbo Cola Machine
AS11801781 poster :w=3,7 l=-23,99 l 501 - Client Poster

@Bfuse_see_flat_ids - Displays Room ID's
@Bfuse_habbo_chooser - Habbo Chooser
@Bfuse_furni_chooser - Habbo Furni Chooser
@Bfuse_ignore_room_owner - Ignores Room Owner
@Bfuse_performance_panel - Habbo Performance

AGbus open - Opens Infobus Doors
AGbus close - Closes Infobus Doors
AGcurtains1 open - Opens Lido Curtains
AGcurtains1 close - Closes Lido Curtains

A{ Skips Lido Que
Bf 15190 - Skips Infobus Que
Bf 15202 - Skips Battle-Ball Que

- from
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

@eH - Error?

@b0 7,7,0.0,3,3/flatctrl useradmin/wave/

@b0 7,7,0.0,3,6/flatctrl useradmin/wave/

@b0 2,9,0.0,4,4/sit 1.0/wave/

@b0 11,11,0.0,3,3/sit 1.0

@b0 7,7,0.0,3,3/flatctrl useradmin/

Ditemi ;) Fonte: SoM
Ultima modifica:
1) bravo , ma non credo che funga ancora packetlogger(almeno a me non funziona)
2) è in inglese non si capisce molto apparte credits e hcclub o.o
3) Parola a quelli più esperti di me xD
>_< dovrebbe essere i codici nuovi (penso) poi cm hai detto tu parola a gli esperti :emoji_smiley:
bho................sono gia stai postati ma ora sono in inglese....
Ultima modifica:
Non tutti:

@i - Sends user to hotel view (serverside)

ma non so cosa sia quando riapre habbo proverò
però ora che ci penso s possono usare nello stesso modo in habbos ci prvo vi faccio sapere
Ammesso che non sia l'encrypt vecchia xD ci sono i Trading Packets se vanno si possono fare i scambi del tipo scambio una moneta da 1 e il tipo vede un drago di giada XD Parola agli esperti
xD però se è come dice fala che da una moneta spunta un drago sarà una ficata però
ancora in send server non ne ho provato perchè quelli per server mi fanno cadere lo stesso :S
erano già stati postati su SoM quindi metti la fonte ^^

Comunque molti sono inutili li ho già testati.
Nooooo porcaccia,cmq giravano voci che nella v25 sarebbe cambiata la crittografia.