Domanda Come fà?


Utente Strepitoso
Autore del topic
14 Aprile 2009
Miglior risposta
Ragazzi pochi minuti fà eru su e sono entrato in una stanza...guardate...


lol...come ha fatto?
Se lo sapete datemi il programmaxD
Devi cambiare dei pacchetti con artmoney ^^
Eccoti la guida (scusa se non te la traduco ma sto scappando)
HOW (Normal Sized GuestRooms) Under:
1.) Load up Habbo and ArtMoney

2.) Search for "height: 132" on ArtMoney. (Left Wall)

3.) Change it to "height: 700".

4.) Search for "height: 133" on ArtMoney. (Right Wall)

5.) Change it to "height: 700".

6.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched.

7.) Now place your poster/flag/photo/sticky where you would like it to be

HOW (Normal Sized GuestRooms) Right:
1.) Load up Habbo and ArtMoney

2.) Search for "height: 132" on ArtMoney. (Left Wall)

3.) Change it to "height: 701".

4.) Search for "height: 133" on ArtMoney. (Right Wall)

5.) Change it to "height: 699".

6.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched

7.) Now Search "width: 32" on ArtMoney. (Wall Width)

8.) Change it to "width:600" (NO SPACE!)

9.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched

N1.) If you change Left(height: 701) to height: 001 it's easier to place posters facing Right

N2.) If you change Right(height: 699) to height: 001 it's easier to place posters facing Left

HOW (Large Sized GuestRooms) Under:
1.) Load up Habbo and ArtMoney

2.) Search for "height: 69" on ArtMoney. (Both Walls)

3.) Change it to "height:999" (NO SPACE!)

4.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched.

5.) Now place your poster/flag/photo/sticky where you would like it to be

HOW (Large Sized GuestRooms) Right:
1.) Load up Habbo and ArtMoney

2.) Search for "height: 69" on ArtMoney. (Both Walls)

3.) Change it to "height:999" (NO SPACE!)

4.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched.

5.) Now Search "width: 16" on ArtMoney. (Wall Width)

6.) Change it to "width:900" (NO SPACE!)

7.) Now reload the room and the walls should be stretched

N1.) Changing the width and height changes where you can put posters down.

The rest of the codes (yeah, i was sad enough to work these out).

Normal Guest Rooms
height: 122 - side bits
height: 101 - doorway
height: 32 - locator
height: 72 - flooring
width: 7 - side bits
width: 33 - doorway
width: 37 - locator
width: 13 - flooring

Big Guest Rooms
height: 65 - side bits
height: 50 - doorway
height: 16 - locator
height: 37 - flooring
width: 5 - side bits
width: 16 - doorway
width: 32 - locator
width: 64 - flooring come si fà? mi postate una guida?(italianaxD)
Vabbè fai tutto sto casino e poi a che ti serve? E' anche brutto da vedere i quadri nel vuoto sottol la stanza..
Oddio all'inizio pensavo parlassi do come aveva fatto quella a mettersi sopra all'holo boy °_°
Si però ditemi come fà...e se potete datemi il link della discussione...della guida...:chidori:
traduci in italiano la source di mik, scarichi artmoney ed inserisci negli appositi spazi i codici elencati a seconda della posizion nella quale vuoi il furno