Riferimento: Come riattivare il vecchio visualizzatore di foto
Scusa ma a me quando clikko sul link di photo killer mi apre una nuova finestra e mi dice installa io dico si e mi affacciano delle scritte tipo(// ==UserScript==
// @
NAME facebook Photo Theater Killer
// @
// @
Version 2.1
// @
Description Kills the annoying (IMHO) new photo theater on facebook. Instead loads the old photo viewer, as long as facebook keeps it running. This has been tested in Chrome with the Tampermonkey extension. Feel free to test and modify to make it work as need be.
// @
Description 2.1: Fixed an issue in newer versions of Firefox/Greasemonkey that caused the script to error out.
// @
Description 2.0: Added some functionality to capture the click before it can launch the theater. The theater still OCCASIONALLY shows up, but not as often as before.
// @include
// @include
// @
Copyright 2011+, David Harvey
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
function linkModifier() {
var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++)
var currentAnchor = anchors
if(currentAnchor != null && (currentAnchor.rel == "theater" || currentAnchor.className.match(/uiMediaThumb|uiPhotoThumb/)))
currentAnchor.addEventListener("click", function(e)
if (!e)
e = window.event;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation)
return false;
}, false);
anchor_count = anchors.length;
setTimeout(linkModifier, 5000);
function checkForPhotoTheater() {
var fbPhotoTheater = document.getElementById('fbPhotoTheater');
if (fbPhotoTheater != null && window.getComputedStyle(fbPhotoTheater, null).display == "block")
fbPhotoTheater.style.display = "none";
if (document.body != null && document.body.baseURI != null && document.body.baseURI.match(/(\?|&)theater(&|$)/i))
window.location.replace(document.body.baseURI.replace(/(\?theater$)|(&theater$)|((&)theater&)/, "$4"));
else if (window.location != null && window.location.href != null && window.location.href.match(/(\?|&)theater(&|$)/i))
window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace(/(\?theater$)|(&theater$)|((&)theater&)/, "$4").replace(/(facebook\.com\/).*#!\//i, "$1"));
setTimeout(checkForPhotoTheater, 100);
if (fbPhotoTheater != null && document.body != null && document.body.baseURI != null && document.body.baseURI.match(/(\?|&)theater(&|$)/i))
window.location.replace(document.body.baseURI.replace(/(\?theater$)|(&theater$)|((&)theater&)/, "$4"));
else if (window.location != null && window.location.href != null && window.location.href.match(/(\?|&)theater(&|$)/i))
window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace(/(\?theater$)|(&theater$)|((&)theater&)/, "$4").replace(/(facebook\.com\/).*#!\//i, "$1"));
setTimeout(checkForPhotoTheater, 100);
}....... DA premettere ke uso mozilla firefox che qualcuno mi risponda al più presto per favore!! :\