Proposta *Crypto BOTs Italia Network* EarnX Bot 15% 10 Giorni


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7 Agosto 2018
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Noi di Crypto BOTs Italia Network non ci fermiamo e oggi, fuori EarnX, una copia di HyipX? Può essere andiamo a vedere!

Il Bot è partito il 30 Agosto 2018. Starter Link:
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15% al giorno per 10 giorni (10% deposito restituito, 5% guadagno)

Investimento minimo e Reinvestimento: 0.0015 BTC
Prelievo minimo: 0.001 BTC
Commissioni dai Referral: 7% - 2% - 1%

Prova di Deposito Effettuato:

A new bitcoin payment of amount 0.09791503 BTC is detected. Bitcoins will be credited to your wallet once transaction gets 3 confirmations on the bitcoin network.

You can track status of your payment through following URL.

Transaction hash :
6e8b3bf12fe2b166d7aac714f743384f86d9436eb967332a36130dc2a228cc1d (
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Your recent investment request completed succesfully and investment of amount 0.097915 BTC has been added to your earnx account.

Video Guida e Confronto:

Crypto BOTs Italia Network:
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3 prelevamenti regolari in data 02/09/18

Your withdraw has been completed successfully. 0.00550773 BTC has been sent to your receiving wallet address.

Transaction hash
b93237760ee1ecfcc516021d1c4a8f2f157a946acf93bfb2f9843b2376ac1be0 (
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Your withdraw has been completed successfully. 0.00244788 BTC has been sent to your receiving wallet address.

Transaction hash
d7fdfa12272c5342cf18505fe06f10840332cbe6e11b7aeadabc3ce79e7606fa (
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Your withdraw has been completed successfully. 0.00622088 BTC has been sent to your receiving wallet address.

Transaction hash
4290b5fc1f3a4533caa274439360e3a6db4dbf46f0544d367aee044f43af574d (
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!