[Disc.Ris] comandi holo

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26 Gennaio 2008
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Ragazzi mi potete dire dove posso trovare i comandi per holo?
perchè sono diversi.
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
L'Holograph Ha Pochissimi Comandi (Anzi Nessuno!) , Quasi Tutto Si Fa Dall'Housekepping.

Problema Risolto?
i comandi sono:
:teleport on/off
:ha messaggio
:alert nome persona messaggio
e poi basta :S
Come dice scimia,si fa tutto dall'housepeking..
Eccoli tutti:

:about (shows information about the server and current user online count, active room count, server time etc) Available to all users
- :poof (makes you use the 'poof animation' in room) Available to all users
- :rape USER (Sends a user a 'At _TIME_ you have been raped by _YOUR NAME_!', you can't rape users with a higher rank than you or offline users)
- :care (sends you a "/care" alert, was just to explain the speech command system)

- :alert USER MESSAGE (Sends a 'moderator warning message' to a single user, requires fuse_alert, you can't alert offline users)
- :roomalert MESSAGE (requires fuse_room_alert, sends a 'moderator warning' to all user's in your current room)
- :kick USER [MESSAGE] (requires fuse_kick, kicks a user from room and shows a 'moderator warning' with your message. You can't kick users that aren't in a room, have same/higher rank than you or are offline)
- :roomkick MESSAGE (requires fuse_room_kick, kicks all users from the current room. Only kicks users that are below your rank, and it alerts them with the message in a 'moderator warning')
- :shutup USER MESSAGE (requires fuse_mute, mutes a user from chat, sending them a message (moderator warning) with the message. The mute will last till the user re-logs in, or is unmuted by a staff member. You can't mute users that are offline/have higher or same rank than you)
- :unmute USER (requires fuse_mute, unmutes a muted users. They are notified that they can chat again. Can't unmute users that aren't muted/offline or have higher rank than you)
- :roomshutup MESSAGE (requires fuse_room_mute, mutes all the users in the room you are currently in. Only mutes users that haven't been muted yet, and have a lower rank than you. They receive a message with the reason you specified)
- :roomunmute (requires fuse_room_mute, unmutes all the muted users in the room that you are currently in. They are notified that they can chat again)
- :ban USER HOURS MESSAGE (requires fuse_ban, bans a single user from HoloCMS & Hotel. The ban is lifted after the hours have passed. You can only ban users with a lower rank than you. If the user is online, then it receives the ban message and is disconnected. If the user was banned already, then the previous ban will be removed and the new one will be applied. You receive a 'ban report', with all the information about the ban)
- :superban USER HOURS MESSAGE (requires fuse_superban, bans an IP address from the system, plus it bans all the accounts that used the IP address for their last access. The ban is lifted after the hours have passed. You can only ban users with a lower rank than you. All affected users will receive the ban message and will be disconnected. You receive a ban report, with all the information about the ban, such as affected accounts etc)
- :ha MESSAGE (requires fuse_hotelalert. Sends a message to ALL active users on the server, together with the 'Message from Hotel Management'-message configured in system_strings)
- :ra MESSAGE (requires fuse_alert. Rank alert. Sends a message to all active users with the same rank as you, so a message to all active moderators/administrators etc)
- :teleport (requires fuse_teleport. Allows the user to warp around the room by clicking a square & moving to it. After each warp the user uses the poof animation. If teleport is disabled, then :teleport will enable it. If it's enabled already, then :teleport will disable it. No :teleport on/off syntax)
- :warp X Y (requires fuse_teleport. Warps the user to X,Y on the map, using the poof animation)
- :userinfo USERNAME (requires fuse_moderator_access. Gives a detailed (!) messagebox with information about the user, including ID/name/mission/credit & ticket amount/IP address/email address/sign up date/birthday. If the user is online, then the location will be added to the message. Like 'Room 'Swimming Pool', id = 35, owner = none' or 'Room 'Rare Casino', id = 49424, owner = 'JimiHendrix'. If the user is offline, then the last access date will be added. You can't view information about users that don't exist or have a higher rank than you)
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Grazie problema risolto.
Gigi sei il mejo ti aumento la reptuazione
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