Problema F0v Emulator 1.2B


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19 Dicembre 2013
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Sorry, but im Dutch, so i will write it in my best English...
Anyways, i have two questions about it.

1. Does anyone have the source/can decompile it?
2. Trax doesnt work here, i bought a Trax player and an disc in the catalogue, but if i click on the arrow in the management of the trax player, it doesnt adds it to the playlist.

Anybody knows how to fix these things?


Sorry, but im Dutch, so i will write it in my best English...
Anyways, i have two questions about it.

1. Does anyone have the source/can decompile it?
2. Trax doesnt work here, i bought a Trax player and an disc in the catalogue, but if i click on the arrow in the management of the trax player, it doesnt adds it to the playlist.

Anybody knows how to fix these things?


Hello, this is a forum Italy, then you should explain your problem in Italian.
Se ho capito bene vuoi la source? Nessuno ti può dare la sorgente di F0v se non il creatore (f0ca)