Sono riuscito a aprire le porte ma comunque mi dà lo stesso errore cioè :
Connection to MarioHotel failed.
Unfortunately we are unable to connect you to MarioHotel. This could be because your computer is blocking the connections via a firewall. Please verify with the person responsible for your Internet connection that the following addresses are permitted by the firewall: IP address:, TCP port: 21
Poi ho notato che quando apro il server mi dice questo:
gameschochetserver.Init error no connection port server 21
ed un'altra vila con qualsi la stessa cosa.
Connection to MarioHotel failed.
Unfortunately we are unable to connect you to MarioHotel. This could be because your computer is blocking the connections via a firewall. Please verify with the person responsible for your Internet connection that the following addresses are permitted by the firewall: IP address:, TCP port: 21
Poi ho notato che quando apro il server mi dice questo:
gameschochetserver.Init error no connection port server 21
ed un'altra vila con qualsi la stessa cosa.
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