[RELEASE] Metin2 Multibot 1.8.3 by Slait [WORKS AGAIN]
Last updated at 21.12.2011. Working on 32 and 64-bit
Today, I present to you my Metin2 Multibot, this is a Multihack and a Levelbot togetherWink.
Here first video:
Information to the injectors from 1.3:
On 64-bit you can inject normal as ever. On 32-bit would have to take the other Injector.
Instruction for injecting on 32-bit:
If you see the error unable to install the system component, you have a 64-bit system !!!
Note, the functions, SpeedHack-Fix, SpeedAttack-Fix and wallhack are detectet, you should use this only if it they really need, because I did not have a bypass for Smile
Functions, for a good Levelbot: Pottbot (Blue and Red), SkillBot, PickUp, GM Detector, attack mobs, pull mobs every x seconds, walk speed(without fix), Attack Speed(without fix), Attack Range and Zoom Hack / NoFog choice to look around. Of which is nothing detected and you can perfect level Big Grin
If you have XP, you must also login on an account whioch has no admin-rights Wink
Features - Levelbot:
- Pottbot (Potts will be automatically searched)
- Skillbot with adjustable time
- Auto Attack (Char is running to mobs and hitting them)
- MobPuller (with adjustable time, or with hotkey (F10))
- PickUp
- Restart here
- GM Detector
- EXP-Donator
- Metin detector
Features - Multihack:
- Speed Hack (without being teleportet back)
- Attackspeed
- Attackrange
- Weapon-Hold
- Combo
- OneHit-Hack
- Wallhack
- Zoomhack
- NoFog
- MobOnClick
- ItemUpper
- Run to nearest Metin
1st Download the package with the injector and dll.
2nd Unzip the package somewhere.
3rd Start the injector and drag the dll on the form
4th Inject the dll into Metin
5th Choose your settings and have fun Big Grin
6th Dont let you catch by GMsWink
Description of Functions:
PottBot (red + blue pots):
Your character will use every x seconds 1 pott. The bot looks for the potts itself in the inventory.
Every x seconds your character uses a skill. Possible Keys: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Restart here:
Once your character is dead, it automatically restarts here.
Your character will pick up anything on the ground and in his range.
GM Detector:
Once a GM is in near, a warning and an annoying beep will appear.
Auto attack Normal:
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar.
Mobs Attack:
Your character runs to the nearest mob and attacks them.
Attack without moving:
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar, but without moving.
Pull mobs 1x:
Pulls all the mobs near you one time. You can do this also with F10.
Pull one mob every x ms:
Always pulls one mob every x milliseconds. Recommended value: 100 - 150.
Walk Speed/Attack Speed/Attack Range:
Your character runs/hits faster. Value not recommended higher than 16600. Otherwise kiks.
Your character hits 2 times more per round.
Weapon hold:
Determines how your character holds his weapon.
You can teleport yourself. Teleport hotkeys: Home, End, Delete, PageDown
Your character can walk through everything.
Zoom Hack / NoFog:
You can zoom infinitely out./There is no fog at all.
All mobs that you right click will attack you.
UpItem Normal:
The item of slot 1 will be upped, regargless where you are.
UpItem Tower:
If you are at the DT-Blacksmith, Regardless of the blacksmith, you can up everything.
Restart with Ghost-Mode:
Your character restarts with Ghost-Mode
Run to nearest Metin:
Your character runs to the nearest Metin and attacks it.
Viruatotal of the Dll, the Injector
+ Fixxed AttackMobs standing Bug
+ Updatet for latest Metin2 Version
+ Potts can now be chosen
+ Walkspeed-Fix with Mobs loading
+ EXP-Spender fixxed
+ Rang is now be shown in info tab
+ Wenn PottBot is on and Potts are empty, Bot will exit
+ Added new Pull-Mob mode
+ Stop pulling Mobs if TP < x% added
+ Relogger added
+ PN-Detector added
+ Exit Metin if in x minutes died more than x times added
+ Many Preview-Buttons added
+ Levelrange added
+ Items can now be upped more tinmes
+ Attack nearest BossMob added
+ Bot updated for the newest Metin2-Version
+ Many statistics added
+ PC shutdown function
+ Ghost mode
+ Several modes in the restarter
+ F10 hotkey fixxed (should be entbuggt)
+% Ual Potting
+% EXP donator
+ Improved restarter
+ Improved GM Detector (name of the GMs will appear: D)
+ Greatly improved design (also selectable)
+ AttackMobs fixxed
+ Added information about features detectete
+ Updated by the client version on 25.10.2011
+ Attack Metin
+ EXP-donator
+ Fast Pickup
+ + Load and save settings
+ Skills that need to send any mob skill almost no runtime error
+ Added GM Detector
Skill + Time is counted down
+ 5 sec skill delay added
Attack Speed + / Speed Move Fixxers alone added
+ C + + runtime error now fixed (hopefully)Wink
+ Added function upiter
+ Pot function - time + number adjustable
+ Design revised
+ Minor bug fixes in the GUI
First Release
If you want a relogger, just take the one from Kamer here he explaines how to use it.
Enjoy it all.
Last updated at 21.12.2011. Working on 32 and 64-bit
Today, I present to you my Metin2 Multibot, this is a Multihack and a Levelbot togetherWink.
Here first video:

Information to the injectors from 1.3:
On 64-bit you can inject normal as ever. On 32-bit would have to take the other Injector.
Instruction for injecting on 32-bit:
If you see the error unable to install the system component, you have a 64-bit system !!!
Note, the functions, SpeedHack-Fix, SpeedAttack-Fix and wallhack are detectet, you should use this only if it they really need, because I did not have a bypass for Smile
Functions, for a good Levelbot: Pottbot (Blue and Red), SkillBot, PickUp, GM Detector, attack mobs, pull mobs every x seconds, walk speed(without fix), Attack Speed(without fix), Attack Range and Zoom Hack / NoFog choice to look around. Of which is nothing detected and you can perfect level Big Grin
If you have XP, you must also login on an account whioch has no admin-rights Wink
Features - Levelbot:
- Pottbot (Potts will be automatically searched)
- Skillbot with adjustable time
- Auto Attack (Char is running to mobs and hitting them)
- MobPuller (with adjustable time, or with hotkey (F10))
- PickUp
- Restart here
- GM Detector
- EXP-Donator
- Metin detector
Features - Multihack:
- Speed Hack (without being teleportet back)
- Attackspeed
- Attackrange
- Weapon-Hold
- Combo
- OneHit-Hack
- Wallhack
- Zoomhack
- NoFog
- MobOnClick
- ItemUpper
- Run to nearest Metin
1st Download the package with the injector and dll.
2nd Unzip the package somewhere.
3rd Start the injector and drag the dll on the form
4th Inject the dll into Metin
5th Choose your settings and have fun Big Grin
6th Dont let you catch by GMsWink
Description of Functions:
PottBot (red + blue pots):
Your character will use every x seconds 1 pott. The bot looks for the potts itself in the inventory.
Every x seconds your character uses a skill. Possible Keys: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Restart here:
Once your character is dead, it automatically restarts here.
Your character will pick up anything on the ground and in his range.
GM Detector:
Once a GM is in near, a warning and an annoying beep will appear.
Auto attack Normal:
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar.
Mobs Attack:
Your character runs to the nearest mob and attacks them.
Attack without moving:
Your character attacks just as if you would press the space bar, but without moving.
Pull mobs 1x:
Pulls all the mobs near you one time. You can do this also with F10.
Pull one mob every x ms:
Always pulls one mob every x milliseconds. Recommended value: 100 - 150.
Walk Speed/Attack Speed/Attack Range:
Your character runs/hits faster. Value not recommended higher than 16600. Otherwise kiks.
Your character hits 2 times more per round.
Weapon hold:
Determines how your character holds his weapon.
You can teleport yourself. Teleport hotkeys: Home, End, Delete, PageDown
Your character can walk through everything.
Zoom Hack / NoFog:
You can zoom infinitely out./There is no fog at all.
All mobs that you right click will attack you.
UpItem Normal:
The item of slot 1 will be upped, regargless where you are.
UpItem Tower:
If you are at the DT-Blacksmith, Regardless of the blacksmith, you can up everything.
Restart with Ghost-Mode:
Your character restarts with Ghost-Mode
Run to nearest Metin:
Your character runs to the nearest Metin and attacks it.
Viruatotal of the Dll, the Injector
+ Fixxed AttackMobs standing Bug
+ Updatet for latest Metin2 Version
+ Potts can now be chosen
+ Walkspeed-Fix with Mobs loading
+ EXP-Spender fixxed
+ Rang is now be shown in info tab
+ Wenn PottBot is on and Potts are empty, Bot will exit
+ Added new Pull-Mob mode
+ Stop pulling Mobs if TP < x% added
+ Relogger added
+ PN-Detector added
+ Exit Metin if in x minutes died more than x times added
+ Many Preview-Buttons added
+ Levelrange added
+ Items can now be upped more tinmes
+ Attack nearest BossMob added
+ Bot updated for the newest Metin2-Version
+ Many statistics added
+ PC shutdown function
+ Ghost mode
+ Several modes in the restarter
+ F10 hotkey fixxed (should be entbuggt)
+% Ual Potting
+% EXP donator
+ Improved restarter
+ Improved GM Detector (name of the GMs will appear: D)
+ Greatly improved design (also selectable)
+ AttackMobs fixxed
+ Added information about features detectete
+ Updated by the client version on 25.10.2011
+ Attack Metin
+ EXP-donator
+ Fast Pickup
+ + Load and save settings
+ Skills that need to send any mob skill almost no runtime error
+ Added GM Detector
Skill + Time is counted down
+ 5 sec skill delay added
Attack Speed + / Speed Move Fixxers alone added
+ C + + runtime error now fixed (hopefully)Wink
+ Added function upiter
+ Pot function - time + number adjustable
+ Design revised
+ Minor bug fixes in the GUI
First Release
If you want a relogger, just take the one from Kamer here he explaines how to use it.
per vedere i Link!
Enjoy it all.
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