Problema Non riesco a loggare nel mio retro con hamachi!


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20 Gennaio 2015
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Ho appena creato un retro per passatempo, e avendo fatto passaggio per passaggio, ora che provo ad entrare nel link ( mi porta ad un'altra pagina. Potete dirmi cosa ho sbagliato?
Scusa.. ora il problema è un altro. Mi porta alla pagina del mio retro, ma non mi apre la pagina per registrarsi, anzi, mi esce questo :
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

come posso risolvere? ringrazio!
|| # HaddoCMS based HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!
|| # HaddoCMS v2.0 by Raikas77
|| #


require_once 'static/templates/header.php';

header("LOCATION: ". $path ."/index.php");


<!--[if lt IE 9]>
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.fb-reg-bottom {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
bottom: 0;
margin-top: 4px;
margin-bottom: 2px;
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<script type="text/javascript">

// Terms Dialog


autoOpen: false,

width: 420,
modal: true,
dialogClass: 'terms-dialog',
open: function(event, ui) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Dialog', 'Terms']);


// terms Link



return false;


// Privacy Dialog


autoOpen: false,

width: 420,
modal: true,
dialogClass: 'terms-dialog',
open: function(event, ui) {
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Dialog', 'Privacy policy']);


// privacy Link



return false;


// Underage Dialog


autoOpen: false,

width: 329,
modal: true,
dialogClass: 'terms-dialog underage-dialog'





/* default register */
$('#submit_signup').click(function(event) {


/* hande agree checkbox */
var checkboxes = $('.checkbox');

for(var i=0;i<checkboxes.length;i++){
if ($(checkboxes).children("input").is(':checked')){

// uncheck
// check

/* initial input texts */
emailInitialTxt = 'Scrivi qui la tua E-mail';
usernameInitialTxt = 'Scrivi qui il tuo Username';
referenteInitialTxt = 'Scrivi qui il tuo Referente';
birthdayInitialDay = 'Giorno';
birthdayInitialMonth = 'Mese';
birthdayInitialYear = 'Anno';

/* input texts */
$("#bday_day").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == birthdayInitialDay) {
$('#bday_day').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

$("#bday_month").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == birthdayInitialMonth) {
$('#bday_month').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

$("#bday_year").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == birthdayInitialYear) {
$('#bday_year').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

<script type="text/javascript" >
ASSET_URL = 'static/assets';
staticUrl = 'static/';

defaultError = 'Something went wrong, try again.';

$(document).ready(function() {
/* input info texts */

$("#id_email, .email_invitation").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == emailInitialTxt) {
$('#id_email, .email_invitation').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

$("#id_username, .email_invitation").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == usernameInitialTxt) {
$('#id_username, .email_invitation').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

$("#id_referente, .email_invitation").click(function() {
if($(this).val() == referenteInitialTxt) {
$('#id_referente, .email_invitation').blur(function() {
if($(this).val() == ''){

/* fade errors */
$('.error-container').live("hover", function(){


<script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '']);

<div id="black-bg"></div>

<div id="page">
<div id="main">
<div id="main-wrap">
<div id="top">
<div class="main-top">
<h1><?php echo $shortname ?>: Registrati</h1>
<div id="main-logo">
<a href="/" ><img src="static/images/logo.png" alt="Retro logo" /></a>
<div id="social">

<div class="secondary-top landing">
<div id="content-top">



<div id="primary">

<div class="container float landing">
<section class="clear">
<div id="content" class="float">
<h1>Benvenuto in <?php echo $shortname ?> Hotel Italia!</h1>


<?php echo $shortname ?> e' un ambiente virtuale di gioco on-line per teenager. I giovani visitatori possono entrare in un hotel virtuale e creare gratuitamente un proprio personaggio con cui incontrare, parlare e giocare con i coetanei in un ambiente sicuro e non violento.

Scopri come registrarti grazie a 3 semplici Passaggi:
</p><br />

<h3 class="lightGray">1. Registrazione</h3>

<p class="smaller">
Prima di poter iniziare a giocare in <?php echo $shortname ?> e' necessario registrarsi, cliccando a destra "Registrati". A quel punto bastera' semplicemente compilare i campi richiesti.

<h3 class="lightGray">2. Creazione Avatar</h3>

<p class="smaller">
Non vorrai mica andare in giro per <?php echo $shortname ?> con dei vestiti da quattro soldi! Scegli il tuo look ed avviati al passo successivo!

<h3 class="lightGray">3. Benvenuto in Hotel!</h3>

<p class="smaller">
Sei ufficialmente un <?php echo $shortname ?>, ora inserendo il tuo nome utente e la password scelta in precedenza potrai accedere direttamente dalla Pagina Principale!

<aside id="register" class="float round content-aside landing">

<div class="round-content">

<div id="register-top"></div>

<div class="register-content">
<div class="first">


<form id="register_form">
<div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='<?php echo createSecurityHash(32, true, true); ?>' /></div>
<div class="input-area">
<div id="error_usernamex" class="errors error-top"></div>
<input id="id_username" type="text" class="text" value="Scrivi qui il tuo Username" name="usernamex" />


<form id="register_form">
<div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='<?php echo createSecurityHash(32, true, true); ?>' /></div>
<div class="input-area">
<div id="error_email" class="errors error-top"></div>
<input id="id_email" type="text" class="text" value="Scrivi qui la tua E-mail" name="email" />


<form id="register_form">
<div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='' /></div>
<div class="input-area">
<div id="error_passwordx" class="errors error-top"></div>
<input id="id_password" type="password" class="text" value="" name="passwordx" />

<h3>Secret Code:</h3>

<form id="register_form">
<div style='display:none'><input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='<?php echo createSecurityHash(32, true, true); ?>' /></div>
<div class="input-area">
<div id="error_secret" class="errors error-top"></div>
<input id="id_secret" type="password" class="text" value="" name="secret" />

<input type="hidden" name="birthday" id="id_birthday" />
<div id="agree-container" class="round">
<div class="round-content light input-area">
<div class="clear">
<div class="float">
<span class="checkbox">
<input id="accept_terms" type="checkbox" name="agree" />
<div class="float last">
<p>Accetto i <a class="terms_link" href="">Termini & Condizioni D'utilizzo</a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp;</p>
<div id="error_agree" class="errors error-bottom"></div>

<a id="submit_signup" class="submit-button button-link" href="">
<div class="button-container">
<div class="button-left"></div>
<div class="button-content">Registrati!</div>
<div class="button-right"></div>

<div class="button-right"></div>
<div id="errors" class="errors"></div>
<div class="line"></div>




<aside id="vip" class="landing float round">
<div id="vip-top"></div>
<div class="round-content">
<img src="static/images/vip.png" alt="vip" />
<p class="bold">Registrati in <?php echo $shortname ?> ed avrai: </p>
<ul class="smaller">
<li>- Catalogo con molti Rari.</li>
<li>- 15 Bolts.</li>
<li>- Nuovi comandi.</li>
<div id="vip-bottom"></div>

<div class="clear-float"></div>

<div id="bg">
<div class="container">
<div class="bg-item left"></div>
<div class="bg-item right"></div>
<div id="footer_container" class="clear">

<div class="float-r">
<div class="small-logo">
<img src="static/images/logo-small.png" alt="Retro logo small" />

<div class="float-r text">
<?php require_once 'static/templates/footer.php'; ?>




ed il CMS è questo
Fatto anche questo, ah, e quando clicco 'entra' mi esce : Oggetto non trovato!

L'URL richiesto non esiste su questo server. Il link della pagina da cui sei arrivato potrebbe essere errato o non essere più valido. Per favore, informa dell'errore l'autore della pagina.

Se pensi che questo sia un errore del server, per favore contatta il webmaster.

Error 404
07/01/15 16:57:08
Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i PHP/5.2.9

|| # HaddoCMS based HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!
|| # HaddoCMS v2.0 by Raikas77
|| #


if($_GET['do'] == "RemoveFeedItem" && is_numeric($_GET['key'])){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM cms_alerts WHERE userid = '".$my_id."' AND id = '".FilterText($_GET['key'])."' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

$pagename = $name;
$pageid = "1";

// Header for minimail
$messages = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_minimail WHERE to_id = '".$my_id."'") or $messages = 0;
header("X-JSON: {\"totalMessages\":".$messages."}");



<link rel="stylesheet" href="./web-gallery/static/styles/lightweightmepage.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="./web-gallery/static/js/lightweightmepage.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div id="container">
<div id="content" style="position: relative" class="clearfix">

$rand =rand(0,100);
if($rand < 85){

} else {


.credits_small {
background-color: #98721A;
background-image: url("web-gallery/v2/images/credit.gif");
background-position: 2px 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: 2px solid #D19E25;
border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
color: white;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 0px;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;
margin: 3px;
padding: 3px;
text-align: center;
width: 25%;
float: left;
.pixels_small {
background-color: #537384;
background-image: url("web-gallery/v2/images/pixel.gif");
background-position: 2px 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: 2px solid #719DBA;
border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
color: white;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 0px;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;
margin: 3px;
padding: 3px;
text-align: center;
width: 26%;
float: left;
.mon_small {
background-color: #50C878;
background-image: url("web-gallery/v2/images/monete.png");
background-position: 2px 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
border: 2px solid #090;
border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
color: white;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 0px;color:#fff;font-weight:bold;
margin: 3px;
padding: 3px;
text-align: center;
width: 26%;
float: left;

<div id="wide-personal-info">
<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:-3px; left:-12px"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/web-gallery/v2/images/help_tool.png"></a></DIV>
<div id="habbo-plate">
<a href="<?php echo $path; ?>account.php">
<img alt="<?php echo $name; ?>" src="<?php echo $myrow['look']; ?>&direction=3&head_direction=3&gesture=sml&action=&size=l" width="64" height="110"/>

<div id="name-box" class="info-box">
<div class="label">Nome Utente:</div>
<div class="content"><?php echo $name; ?></div>
<div id="motto-box" class="info-box">
<div class="label">Missione:</div>
<div class="content"><?php echo $myrow['motto']; ?></div>
<div id="last-logged-in-box" class="info-box">
<div class="label">Ultimo Accesso:</div>
<div class="content"><?php echo date('d-m-Y H:i:s', $myrow['last_online']); echo""; ?> </div>

<div class="enter-hotel-btn">
<div class="open enter-btn">
<a href="/client.php" class="new-button green-button" target="client" onclick="HabboClient.openOrFocus(this); return false;">Entra in <?php echo $shortname ?><i></i></a>


<div class="block">

<div class="credits_small"><?php echo $myrow['credits'];?> Crediti</a></div>

<div class="pixels_small"><?php echo $myrow['activity_points'];?> Pixel</a></div>

<div class="mon_small"><?php echo $myrow['vip_points'];?> Bolts</a></div>




<div id="column1" class="column">

<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix green ">

<h2 class="title">Amici online

<?php $amici = mysql_query("SELECT id,username FROM users AS a JOIN messenger_friendships AS b ON b.user_two_id = AND b.user_one_id = ".$my_id." AND b.user_two_id != ".$my_id." AND = '1'");
$amicion = mysql_num_rows($amici);
if($amicion > 0)
$msa = '';
echo '<br>
<br> <li class=\"small\" id=\"feed-friends\"> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Hai <b>'.$amicion.'</b> Amici Online:<span style = "color:black">';
while($am = mysqL_fetch_array($amici))
$msa .= ' <a title="Vai nella stanza dove si trova '.$am['username'].'" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, \''.$am['id'].'\', \'friend\'); return false;" target="Client'.$my_id.'" href="/client.php?friendId='.$am['id'].'">'.$am['username'].'</a>,';
echo trim($msa, ',');
echo '</span></li><br>



<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix blue ">
<h2 class="title">I miei personaggi | <a href="/identity/add_avatar.php">Aggiungi altri</a></h2>
<div id="hotcampaigns-habblet-list-container">
<ul id="hotcampaigns-habblet-list">
$myrowq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE mail = '".$myrow['mail']."' ORDER BY lastvisit DESC LIMIT 100");
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,username,last_online,look,password FROM users WHERE mail = '".$myrow['mail']."' ORDER BY id DESC");
while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($myrowq))
if(IsEven($i)) {
$oddeven = "even";
} else {
$oddeven = "odd";
echo "
<li class=".$oddeven.">

<div class=\"hotcampaign-container\">

<img src=\"".$myrow['look']."&size=s\" figure=\"".$myrow['look']."\" alt=\"".$myrow['username']."\" class=\"avatar\" /><font size=\"2\"><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">".$myrow['username']."</span></font><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Ultimo accesso: ".$myrow['lastvisit']."<br>
<CENTER>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=\"habblet/check_avatar.php?name=".$myrow['username']."\"><b>Gioca</b></a><br></CENTER>




<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php /* Noob Gift ?>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT noob,gift,roomid,sort FROM users WHERE id='".$my_id."' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_query($sql);
if($row['noob'] == 0 && $row['gift'] == 0 && $row['roomid'] == 0) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container " id="roomselection">
<div class="cbb clearfix rooms ">

<h2 class="title">Select your room!
<span class="habblet-close" id="habblet-close-roomselection"></span></h2>
<div id="roomselection-plp-intro" class="box-content">
Hey! You haven't chosen your pre-decorated room, which comes with free furniture! Choose one below:

<ul id="roomselection-plp" class="clearfix">
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=0" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 0);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=1" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 1);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="top">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=2" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 2);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=3" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 3);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=4" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 4);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>
<li class="bottom">
<a class="roomselection-select new-button green-button" href="client.php?createRoom=5" target="client" onclick="return RoomSelectionHabblet.create(this, 5);"><b>Select</b><i></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("roomselection.hide.title", "Hide room selection");
L10N.put("roomselection.old_user.done", "And you\'re done! The hotel will now open in a new window and you\'ll be redirected to your room in no time!");

<?php }elseif($row['noob'] == 1 && $row['roomid'] != 0) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container " id="giftqueue">
<div class="cbb clearfix rooms ">

<h2 class="title">Your next gift!
<span class="habblet-close" id="habblet-close-giftqueue"></span></h2>
<div class="box-content" id="gift-container">
<?php if($row['gift'] < 2) { ?>

<div class="gift-img"><?php if($row['gift'] == 0) { ?><img src="<?php echo $habboversion; ?>/web-gallery/v2/images/welcome/newbie_furni/noob_stool_<?php echo $row['sort']; ?>.png" alt="My first Obbah stool" /><?php }elseif($row['gift'] == 1) { ?><img src=""><?php } ?></div>
<div class="gift-content-container">

<p class="gift-content">
Your next piece of free furniture will be <strong><?php if($row['gift'] == 0) { echo "My first stool"; }elseif($row['gift'] == 1) { echo "plant"; } ?></strong>

<b>Time left:</b> <span id="gift-countdown"></span>

<p class="last">
<a class="new-button green-button" href="client.php?forwardId=2&roomId=<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>" target="client" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;"><b>Go to your room &gt;&gt;</b><i></i></a>
<br style="clear: both" />

// calculate time

$time = time();
$day = date("j");
$month = date("n");
$year = date("y");
$date = mktime(0,0,0, $month, $day, $year);
$timeleft = $date-$time; ?>

<script type="text/javascript">
L10N.put("time.hours", "{0}h");
L10N.put("time.minutes", "{0}min");
L10N.put("time.seconds", "{0}s");
GiftQueueHabblet.init(<?php echo $timeleft; ?>);
<?php }else{ ?>
How do you get more furniture into Your room?

You could buy a set of furniture for just 3 credits including a lamp, mat, and two armchairs. How do you do that?

<ul><li>1. Buy some credits from the <a href="/credits">credits</a> section</li><li>2. Open the catalogue from the Hotel toolbar (Chair icon)</li><li>3. Open the deals section</li><li>4. Pick up the furni set You want</li><li>5. Thank You for shopping!</li></ul>

<p class="aftergift-img">
<img src="" alt="" width="381" height="63"/>

<p class="last">
<a class="new-button green-button" href="client.php?forwardId=2&roomId=<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>" target="client" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $row['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;"><b>Go to your room &gt;&gt;</b><i></i></a>

<script type="text/javascript">
<?php } ?>



<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix orange ">

<h2 class="title">Noticiones
<div id="hotcampaigns-habblet-list-container">
<ul id="hotcampaigns-habblet-list">


<?php */ ?>
<?php /*Habbo Search*/ ?>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<?php /* Events */ ?>
//$res = mysql_query("show table status like 'events'")
//or die(mysql_error());
//$table_exists = mysql_num_rows($res) == 1;
if($table_exists == 1){ ?>

//$getem = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE category = '1'");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getem)) {


$even = "odd";
} else {
$even = "even";

// Calculate percentage

// Base room icon based on this - percantage levels may not be habbolike


<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php } ?>

<script type='text/javascript'>if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<div id="column2" class="column">
<div class="habblet-container news-promo">
<div class="cbb clearfix notitle ">

<div id="newspromo">
<div id="topstories">
<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_1_topstory; ?>)">
<h4>uLTIME NEWS</h4>
<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_1_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_1_title; ?></a></h3>

<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_1_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_1_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>
<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_2_topstory; ?>); display: none">
<h4>Ultime news</h4>

<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_2_title; ?></a></h3>
<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_2_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>

<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $news_3_topstory; ?>); display: none">
<h4>Ultime News</h4>

<h3><a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_3_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_3_title; ?></a></h3>
<p class="summary">
<?php echo $news_3_snippet; ?>
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_2_id; ?>">Leggi &raquo;</a>

<div id="topstories-nav" style="display: none"><a href="#" class="prev">&laquo; Precedente</a><span>1</span> / 3<a href="#" class="next">Successiva &raquo;</a></div>
<ul class="widelist">
<li class="even">

<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_3_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_3_title; ?> &raquo;</a><div class="newsitem-date"><?php echo $news_3_date; ?></div>
<li class="odd">
<a href="news.php?id=<?php echo $news_4_id; ?>"><?php echo $news_4_title; ?> &raquo;</a><div class="newsitem-date"><?php echo $news_4_date; ?></div>
<li class="last"><a href="news.php">Altre news &raquo;</a></li>

<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { NewsPromo.init(); });

<?php /*Groups*/ ?>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix red">
<div class="box-tabs-container clearfix">
<h2>Scelte dallo Staff</h2>
<ul class="box-tabs">
<li id="tab-rooms"><a href="#">Stanze</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>

<li id="tab-groups" class="selected"><a href="#">Gruppi</a><span class="tab-spacer"></span></li>
<div id="tab-rooms-content" style="height: 165px;overflow-x: scroll;display: none;" id="promogroups-habblet-list-container"><br>
<script type="text/javascript">
Rounder.addCorners($("habbo-search-error"), 8, 8);
</script> </div>
<div id="tab-groups-content" >
<div style="height: 155px;overflow-x: scroll;" id="promogroups-habblet-list-container" class="habblet-list-container groups-list">
<ul class="habblet-list two-cols clearfix">
<?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM cms_recommended WHERE type = 'group' ORDER BY id ASC") or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {

$groupsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE id = '".$row['rec_id']."' LIMIT 1");
$grouprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($groupsql);

$even = "even left";
} else {
$even = "even right";
<li class="<?php echo $even; ?>" style="background-image: url(./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=<?php echo $grouprow['badge']; ?>.gif)">
<?php if($grouprow['roomid'] != 0) { ?><a href="client.php?forwardId=2&amp;roomId=<?php echo $grouprow['roomid']; ?>" onclick="HabboClient.roomForward(this, '<?php echo $grouprow['roomid']; ?>', 'private'); return false;" target="client" class="group-room"></a><?php } ?>
<a class="item" href="group_profile.php?id=<?php echo $grouprow['id']; ?>"><strong><?php echo HoloText($grouprow['name']); ?></strong></a>
<?php } ?>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<?php /*Tags */ ?>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>

<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>




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Cos'ha che non va?
E allora si dovrebbe chiamare in un altro modo..
Comunque ho scaricato il CMS e il file client.php c'è, prova a reinstallare il CMS.. penso sia l'unica.