Info Nuovi Codici Habbo Way!


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27 Maggio 2012
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Oggi nel server sulake per l'evento Habbo Way sono stati caricati dei nuovi codici che serviranno anche per il pannello di richiesta di aiuto agli Habbo Helpers. Tool Helpers are here for you! Just type below a brief description of what you need help with, and we're on the case! :emoji_slight_smile:
help.emergency.main.submit.description=The Emergency Help Request is meant only for urgent issues. to your friends, get to know your fellow Habbos and meet loads of new friends... and more! ;)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.3=Sorry, but the Kissing Booth only sits two Habbos. This is certainly not a "more the merrier" situation!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.1=While we do not allow vulgar or obscene behaviour in Habbo, we do want you to be able to have some flirty fun! The "Kissing Booth" is a perfect example of a Furni that is just-for-fun, however, if you don't want to join this Habbo, you can absolutely choose not to.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.2=Trash talking others says a lot more about you than the other person. If you didn't want to go into the "Kissing Booth" Furni, you could just say "No, thanks!" No hard feelings
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.7.0=While we advise you to always be cautious, you shouldn't be afraid to flirt and get to know others! The "Kissing Booth" is an example of a Furni that you might have some innocent fun with, however, if you find yourself in a situation that is clearly threatening and not innocent, you should call on a Moderator immediately. job well done! :emoji_slight_smile: to view group profile HELP?
help.tour.popup.action.accept=Take me on a tour! feedback
habbo.way.frame.subtitle=THE DO'S AND DON'TS window request help request
help.emergency.pending.button.keep=Keep my standing request, Date, fall in love, and maybe meet that special someone... or something!??
help.main.confused.title=I want someone to show me around you is an urgent issue?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.9=A Habbo posted a link to
habbo.way.quiz.button=Start quiz can't help with this request you recommend your Helper to other Habbos?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.0=You win at a Casino game and get kicked by the owner, what do you do?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.8=You notice a forum thread in which people are having a heated discussion about politics..., something wen't wrong
quiz.HabboWay1.question.7=OMG! This Habbo you just met is asking you to join them in the
quiz.HabboWay1.question.6=The admins of a famous Group told you that you had to *wave* for 2 hours straight in order to join them. Turns out they tricked you and now you feel stupid...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.5=A Group that seems to be pro gay asks you to join them...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.4=A Habbo offers you a reward for being his personal Habbo Helper...
quiz.HabboWay1.question.3=You decide to give a new Habbo a guided tour. What will you show them first?
quiz.HabboWay1.question.2=Another Habbo is trash talking your mom, what do you do?!
quiz.HabboWay1.question.1=You need Credits to pay for your VIP membership and remember that you once had this Habbo account full of Furni that you don us what happened
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.0=Don't lose your cool! Trash talkers love to get you in trouble by upsetting you
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.1=Do you think your mom really (like really) cares? Nah, we didn't think so either
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.2=We really don't think your mom would be *that* concerned.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.2.3=We suspect that "Yo Mama" is a pretty fierce lady that would never be bothered about some groundless accusations in Habbo. And she'd be right. Stay cool just like Yo Mama!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.0=You report the Habbo as a pedophile immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.1=You refuse. ANY sexual innuendo is strictly forbidden in Habbo!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.2=You tell the Habbo you think s/he is ugly, and that you would never be caught in a "Kissing Booth" with them!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.7.3=You find out that the "Kissing Booth" is quite innocent and decide to join your new friend! helped by %name%
habbo.way.quiz.failure.results=%CORRECT_COUNT% out of %TOTAL_COUNT%! Oops, that was quite close! rejected %name% with friends, create your own games, kick ass and take names! here to write your request
habbo.way.quiz.wait.indication=2 hours till next try has invited you to room %roomname%. Click here to visit them. help request
help.emergency.main.submit.explanation=What is an urgent issue?
habbo.way.quiz.question.title=The Habbo Way Quiz answers to FAQs and get help on e.g. payment related issues.
help.main.confused.button=Ask for a tour never prosper, they just end up spoiling the experience for everyone else. must provide a help request description!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.0=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow for more than three levels of irony, it just gets too confusing...
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.1=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow bribery...
help.emergency.abusive.title=Your Emergency Help Request
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.2=In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! We do not, however, allow hateful language that targets race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality or political beliefs, nor do we allow comments that are abusive or denigrating.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.8.3=Eeeasy there, soldier. In Habbo we allow opinions - and difference of opinions! Spamming the conversation will only serve to make you wildly unpopular and your opinions will likely be ignored. help request has been rejected by the Helpers. Please provide a good description for your help request so that the Helpers can help you. Habbo
help.tour.popup.action.refuse=No thanks, I'd rather explore on my own. help request help requester isn't in a room so you can't visit him. emergency help request is meant only for urgent issues.
help.main.confused.section.title=FEELING CONFUSED?
habbo.way.end.content=Now that you are familiar with Habbo Way do's and dont's, it's the time to test your knowledge. Get 5 out of 5 answers correct and claim the badge! doesn't make you rich, it makes you a criminal. And a very bad role model. Helper Tools that special someone closed the case.
habbo.way.quiz.failure.advice=Perhaps it's best to sleep on it or review your results and come back later help request odd happened with your help request. Sorry. it, don't fake it! Just look at Ashlee Simpson. this case Furni
help.emergency.main.step.two.title=2. Pick a Habbo to report help case is now closed. show me around the Hotel and explain what I can do in Habbo Hotel! duty right now
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.0=As a Habbo Helper you recognise that it's not the size of a person's ankles that matters, but the size of their hearts.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.2=As a Habbo Helper you know that it's not about you, but about showing someone else a great time and introducing them to all the fun things that the Hotel has to offer!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.1=Habbo does not condone the use of illegal drugs, and we hope that you'll help us take that stand and be good role models to new Habbo players by giving them a great first impression of our Hotel!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.3.3=That wouldn't be the best first impression, now would it? Plus, no one really wants to see that
help.emergency.pending.title=Your Emergency Help Request
help.emergency.pending.message.title=YOUR STANDING REQUEST: your creativity run wilder than a beaver in a log cabin! Push yourself to the limit in style and design- be the best! my results other Habbo is typing... Habbo to your room
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.2=You learn a lesson. Casinos cannot always be trusted. You take your chances... and sometimes you lose.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.1=You go back in and spam the room until you get your prize
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.0=You call on a Moderator, this is so unfair, they should be banned!!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.0.3=You devise an Oceans 11 style plot to get back at the owner... don't need any more help can't leave the description empty. have asked a tour guide to show you around the Hotel and explain what you can do in Habbo Hotel!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.3=You plan your revenge against this Habbo Group for a number of years, amassing a small fortune and political power in the process, and then, when they least expect it, you strike!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.2=You keep on waving - and spamming! Maybe they'll change their minds if you pester them.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.6.0=You call a Moderator to ban the Group's admins, because tricking people is definitely not the Habbo Way! ANSWERS
help.tour.newbie.message=I'm a new user. Please show me what Habbo is all about! you for your feedback! request here to write your request Helper
help.main.emergency.button=Get help from Staff help request
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.2=Being mean and sarcastic will never result in anything, except maybe life as a stand-up comedian
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.3=Unfortunately, real life never works out like it does in the movies (and there's only one Clooney). Walk away with while you still have your dignity! ;)
help.main.self.habboway.title=The Habbo Way
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.1=Being obnoxious will never result in anything, except perhaps tendinitis from too much spamming
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.0.0=Habbos create some amazing games and competitions, and we want you to join in and have fun! However, not all game room owners are as honourable as we'd like them to be, which is why we advise you to never pay to enter a game! help request
help.main.confused.content=What better way to see what's cool around here than a personal tour around the Hotel?
help.emergency.main.title=Emergency Help Request abusive Habbo to moderators Furni
help.tour.popup.title=Now that you've arrived, it's time to take a look around! to view your progress
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.3=There's enough groups in Habbo to cater to (almost) interest or hobby, there's no need trying to change the focus on one group to suit your own needs.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.1=In Habbo, you are allowed to be who you are, as long as you do not harm others. A Group that is pro gay youth is in no way deemed harmful. You can decline or accept, but there would be no need to alert a Moderator in this case!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.2=In Habbo we do not allow hateful language or acts targeting race/ethnicity, religion, gender, sexuality, nationality or political beliefs. By creating such a Group, you would be in violation of those rules.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.5.0=Just because you receive a Group invite, doesn't mean you have to accept it. More importantly, it does not excuse or allow for a hateful response. In Habbo, this will not be tolerated. Master I
habbo.way.quiz.success.results=%QUESTION_COUNT% out of %QUESTION_COUNT%! Congratulations with your Habbo Way badge!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.0=While we advise you to be careful regarding your personal information, there's nothing wrong with admitting that you are a fan of Saved By The Bell. my request again
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.2=While we appreciate you trying to calm down the mob, this is clearly a case of bullying and harassment, and we would want you to alert a Moderator about this situation immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.1=While we do advise you to be careful about revealing personal information about yourself, nothing excuses harassment. Call a Moderator, s/he would take such a call very seriously.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.9.3=Related or not, we do not accept bullying or harassment in Habbo! Your great-great-great grandfather deserves better than this. Call a Moderator! need help in using something
help.tour.popup.hint=Hint: You can also call a tour guide at any time using the "Help" link in the top left part of the screen. my skill status
habbo.way.previous.button=Previous out %name% room %ROOM_NAME% closed the case. for instructions have invited %name% to the room where you currently are.
habbo.way.quiz.analysis.title=Your result review your own Furni empire by trading your way to the top! here to chat with %name%
help.emergency.abusive.close=Close this window Helper! Something went wrong. help case is now closed. If you feel like you still need help, you can create a new help request again.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.2=You swap your Habbo account with someone who needs Furni, but doesn
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.3=You "borrow" your parents' Credit Card and use it to buy Credits and a dune buggy... whatever that is.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.0=You sell the old Habbo account on Ebay and buy Credits with the money.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.1.1=You sell the Furni in the Marketplace to get Credits for your VIP membership.
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.3=Well, well, well, someone got greedy! Habbo Helpers are there to guide anyone who needs it - for FREE! ;)
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.2=Though we certainly frown upon corruption, we trust that in this situation, you'd be able to explain that you and others like you, are always happy to help, and that they shouldn't have to pay! input will be used to make the Habbo Helper system better. We really appreciate it. :emoji_slight_smile:
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.1=As a Habbo Helper, you know that doing a good deed is it's own reward. Besides, how much Brown Plasto do you really need anyway??
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.4.0=As a Habbo Helper you are devoted to giving great help to anyone who needs it, and you're happy to do it for free! Don't let your standards slip
help.main.emergency.title=This is an emergency
help.main.self.habboway.content=The do's and dont's of Habbo. Be safe, be smart, be cool. %CURRENT_PAGE%/%PAGE_COUNT% closed! invite failed. You have to be in a room for invite to work.
help.emergency.pending.subtitle=Your previous request is still being reviewed. the Habbos' room you
habbo.way.quiz.title=Habbo Way Quiz help request Helper is on the way!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.2=You comment on the thread and try to calm the other Habbos down, the photos weren't THAT bad...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.3=You realize that it's a picture of your great-great-great grandfather, and get very, very confused...
help.emergency.pending.description=Our moderators are still reviewing your previous emergency help request. You can submit a new one, but it will replace your standing issue.
help.main.self.section.title=THE SELF-HELP SECTION
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.0=You call a Moderator. This Habbo is clearly the victim of harassment.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.9.1=It's all his/her own fault. If a Habbo is dumb enough to post real life photos of themselves, they should suffer the consequences.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.1=You alert moderators immediately, because you feel that the Group goes against the Habbo Way.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.0=You feel offended and angry, and start trash talking the Group to anyone who will listen. Help Request
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.3=You recognize that the invite was a gesture of friendship and you are free to accept or decline as you wish!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.5.2=You create an anti-gay group and invite *them* to join *you*.
habbo.way.quiz.failure.title=Your result help requests Furni
help.tour.popup.description=So how about taking a personal tour from one of your more experienced fellow habbos? There's plenty for you to see around here. :emoji_slight_smile:
help.main.frame.title=How can we help you? advantage of other Habbos usually leads to bad mojo. And lynch mobs.
help.emergency.abusive.subtitle=Not cool! my request next is an emergency? to view profile
habbo.way.end.title=Take the quiz to win the badge! help case was unexpectedly closed. This may be due to an error in your Helper's connection to Habbo, or just solar winds. If you still need help, please submit your request again. is being sexually explicit. incident (please specify in your request) is scamming. is offending others.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.1=The legendary
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.0=The 5 most beautiful rooms of the Hotel!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.0=Not such a good idea
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.3=A room where you cybered all night long, for the price of only 3 Plasto chairs.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.3.2=This trophy you received for winning last year
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.2=Spamming only leads to you being ignored and eventually muted, and probably also tendinitis. We advise you to laugh it off and move on -- pranks happen, you'll know better next time :emoji_slight_smile:
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.3=Wow. This sounds very intense. For the sake of your own sanity, and quite possibly hygiene, we advise you to forget about it and move on
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.0=While we realize that it hurts to be the victim of a prank, we hope that you are able to laugh it off and move on with a new lesson learned -- you'll definitely know better next time
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.6.1=If you can't laugh at yourself every now and then, how can you expect others to laugh with you?
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.3=In this case, "borrowing" is the same as stealing, and in Habbo we do not tolerate fraudulent or unlawful behaviour. VIP is great fun, but hardly worth breaking the law for!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.2=Swapping your account means giving someone else access to your personal information, which in turn will get very messy, very fast. Stay safe, never share or swap your Habbo!
quiz.HabboWay1.explanation.1.1=Letting your friends
habbo.way.back.button=Back Support Center one likes a troll, not even their mothers; bullying will not be tolerated by anyone. this window
habbo.way.quiz.exit.button=Exit duty right now waiting time: approx. %waitingtime% this window games
help.emergency.pending.button.discard=Discard and create new request
habbo.way.quiz.success.title=Success! people to date, or tailing them might be considered romantic to some- but to most it's just creepy. window here to chat with %name% here to write your request Helper group Tell us what happened
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.0=You fight back by trash talking the Habbo 10 times worse.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.3=You call on a Moderator because this is clearly a Yo Momma emergency!!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.1=You call your mom and tell her to stand up for herself.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.2.2=You ignore him, and avoid telling your mom, because you know she'd totally go Chuck Norris on his butt... helper forums are not staff members. Remember, you should never share your personal information or login details with anyone! Helper
help.emergency.abusive.description=Your previous help request was disrespectful or abusive, so you'll have to wait for 10 minutes before submitting a new one. it a Furni, effect or the Hotel in general, Habbo Helpers are here to help. tell us what happened. The more detailed report we get, the faster we can help you.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.0=You take part in the conversation, because you know that in Habbo it's okay to share opinions as long as you don't dish out insults!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.2=We don't talk about politics in Habbo, you call on a Moderator to delete this thread immediately!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.1=You decide to bribe the Group's owner, if s/he pays you 10 Club Sofas, you won't report them to a Moderator...
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.8.3=You jump into the conversation and reply to everyone in caps that THEY ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT AND THAT'S THE END OF IT!!!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.1=You say thanks, but no thanks! As a Habbo Helper you help everyone equally... for free!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.2=This Habbo is trying to corrupt you! You ask for a Moderator to ban him immediately.
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.0=You accept and agree to come to him first every time he needs help from now!
quiz.HabboWay1.answer.4.3=You ask for a bigger reward... tell us what happened. The more detailed report we get, the faster we can help you.
help.emergency.main.submit.button=Send help request in there - we've alerted a Helper, who should already be on the way to help you out. a stranger, gain a friend! Or two, or three. You never know who you're going to meet next!
habbo.way.frame.title=The Habbo Way helpers rejected
help.emergency.main.step.two.description=Tell us who you feel was disrespectful to you, or bullied you. creepy

Fonte: HabboLife​
Riferimento: Nuovi Codici Habbo Way!


Li ho visti tutti i codici e non capisco perchè sono così lunghi... non potevano abbreviarli ? xD
Bravo per averlo postato! ;)