Release [Official Game Presentation] Angels & Demons


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25 Novembre 2010
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Angels & Demons è un MMORPG fantasy, ospitato dal Game Business, è un gioco gratuito che non richiede nessun pagamento per accedervi, il team che vi lavora è qualificato ed esperto. Un gioco di qualità che deve molto alla sua base presa da uno storico del gioco americano, che abbiamo rivisto e messo a disposizione gratuitamente.

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Il server è europeo per raccogliere un maggior bacino di giocatori, in quanto la nostra idea è piu siamo e più ci divertiamo.

La versione di gioco è la 3.0, originale e non FAKE, per entrare in gioco vi basterà avere il client NCSoft vergine aggiornato alla versione 3.0.0 o superiore, e scaricare il nostro Launcher, oppure scaricare il client completo by Angels & Demons.

Angels & Demons è un vero è proprio MMORPG non è un PVP server Game o un altro tipo di calco di basso stampo, il server ha un exp abbastanza alta sopratutto ora che è l'inizio, ma che verra presto tarata per far godere a tutti il gioco.

I prezzi in gioco sono stati abbassati, diminuiti ed eliminate le tasse, cosa che detta in italia fa quasi ridere, eppure si in questo periodo di conformismo europeo, il team di Angels & Demons va contro corrente e abbassa le tasse anziché alzarle!

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Angels & Demons Story
In the beginning the god Kronos (Called by all Aion) ruled the world of Atreia. He created humans and another race of intelligent beings with the ability to fly Balaur called to govern humans. Soon Balaur became obsessed with power, and began to destroy everything that belonged to him. Five Balaur from the great strength and cunning made their way among their ranks being known then as the five Dragon Lords. When Aion refused to give him the power, which would make them his peers, the Balaur began a war against their own god that had generated them. So Aion was forced to create twelve Empyrean Lords who defend the Tower of Eternity, the source of the power center of the world of Aion and dell'Aether worldwide. The Empyrean Lords created a barrier to protect the Tower of Eternity and the surrounding territories so that the humans could begin to rebuild civilization.

Some of the humans who survived learned to use a little 'of the same energy of the Empyrean Lords, known as Aether (ether). These humans were called Daeva and, as the Empyrean Lords, had the gift of wings. With time enough Daeva born to form an army. Ten of the Empyrean Lords led the Daeva in the battle against the Balaur, while the remaining two were left to guard the Tower of Eternity, the embodiment of the god Aion. The war went on for hundreds of years until one of the guards claimed to have found a way to establish peace with the Balaur but five of Lords rejected the idea. However, the second tower keeper and was convinced the Balaur were invited to negotiate peace in the Tower. It is unclear what happened next: one of the Lords of Balaur fell wounded on the floor and the others jumped to the attack of the tower. The two guards tried to restore the magic shield opposed to going to the Tower, but ultimately they were unsuccessful and the Tower, together with the whole world, was broken into two parts, as a final gesture of the two protectors sacrificed their lives to protect the the world of Atreia. With their land divided, the survivors gathered together to address the new world. Only ten of the twelve Empyrean Lords survived. The five who were opposed to peace and argued that it was the fault of the rest of the Lord, moved into the darkest part of the world located in the upper half of Atreia, becoming known as the Lord Shedim. The other five were maintained rather than the actions of Shedim Lord to cause the rupture of the Tower and reigned on the brightest part of the world on the lower half of Atreia: they are known as Seraphim Lords.

The new shape of the world also reorganized its inhabitants. Those who lived in the bright part of the world saw little change with the exception of an increase in their beauty. The followers of the Seraphim Lords called themselves Elyos (also known as Angels) and created the city of Sanctum. The inhabitants of the upper part of the world instead saw many changes: having to walk over inhospitable terrain, their feet and hands became claws. Furthermore, the darkness darkened the color of their skin and their eyes became red to match the absence of light. They called Asmodian (also known as Demons) and founded the city of Pandemonium under the rule of Shedim Lord.


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Inaugurazione Ufficiale 11/07/2012 10:30
Non perderti lo straordinario evento che inizierà alle 16:00 e che terminerà alle 18:00 nel quale verranno distribuiti item fantastici che ancora rimangono un segreto..
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Riferimento: [Official Game Presentation] Angels & Demons

[Evento] Extra Experience

Da oggi alle ore 17.00 i rate di gioco verranno aumentati nel seguente modo:

- Experience: 200x
- Drop: 75x
- Quest: 50x
- Kinah: 100x
- Gathering: 200x
- Crafting: 200x
- Abyss Points: 10x

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