Qunado cerco di entrare nel mio retro con holo mi fà entrare nella home page ma poi nn mi fà entrare in hotel e mi mostra :
Unfortunately we are unable to connect you to Mario Hotel. This could be because your computer is blocking the connections via a firewall. Please verify with the person responsible for your Internet connection that the following addresses are permitted by the firewall: IP address: mariohotel.no-ip.biz, TCP port: 21
come mai se mi potreste contattare qualcuno esperto plz !!!!!!
Unfortunately we are unable to connect you to Mario Hotel. This could be because your computer is blocking the connections via a firewall. Please verify with the person responsible for your Internet connection that the following addresses are permitted by the firewall: IP address: mariohotel.no-ip.biz, TCP port: 21
come mai se mi potreste contattare qualcuno esperto plz !!!!!!
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