Problema Problema Caricamento Gamemode e Plugins Server HOSTATO GH


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20 Febbraio 2014
Miglior risposta
salve, oggi, ho comprato un server hostato, ho caricato i file dentro, ma non mi carica ne la GM ne i Plugins.. premetto che il server è linux e nel documento server.CFG ho messo i plugin in estensione .so ! attendo risposta
salve, oggi, ho comprato un server hostato, ho caricato i file dentro, ma non mi carica ne la GM ne i Plugins.. premetto che il server è linux e nel documento server.CFG ho messo i plugin in estensione .so ! attendo risposta

Ciao, cortesemente potresti postare il server.cfg con il relativo log?
Senza ciò non posso risalire al problema.
Grazie :emoji_slight_smile:
  • Like
Reactions: 1 person
ecco a te il log:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[20:57:05] Server Plugins
[20:57:05] --------------
[20:57:05] Loading plugin:
[20:57:05] Failed.
[20:57:05] Loaded 0 plugins.

[20:57:05] Ban list
[20:57:05] --------
[20:57:05] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:57:05] Filterscripts
[20:57:05] ---------------
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'Bank.amx'...
[20:57:05] [MAP] The Bank - by Peep
[20:57:05] --------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'SaveWeapon.amx'...
[20:57:05] =======================================
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | YSI version 1.04.0000 |
[20:57:05] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] =======================================
[20:57:05] -- Weapon Saving System by FullHouse --
[20:57:05] --------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'fame.amx'...
[20:57:05] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[20:57:05] ----------------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'sete.amx'...
[20:57:05] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[20:57:05] ----------------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[20:57:05] Ban list
[20:57:05] --------
[20:57:05] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:57:05] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[20:57:05] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[20:57:05] Script[gamemodes/ChesterfieldCityRoleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:57:05] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:57:05] ==========================================
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
[20:57:05] | available from: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] |
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Changelog: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.00.0000: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
[20:57:05] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
[20:57:05] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
[20:57:05] | Largely documented here |
[20:57:05] | " |
[20:57:05] | ?t=321092". |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.01.0002: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
[20:57:05] | "y_classes". |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.09.0684: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Reverted to old download location. |
[20:57:05] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
[20:57:05] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
[20:57:05] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
[20:57:05] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
[20:57:05] | repository for more details: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] ==========================================

mentre il CFG è questo:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password lol
maxplayers 50
bind XXX.25.XXX.10
port XXXXX
hostname [ITA]Chesterfield City Roleplay
gamemode0 ChesterfieldCityRoleplay
filterscripts Bank SaveWeapon fame sete rcon antiping antibot Anti-Ip protmods
announce 0
query 1
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
Ultima modifica:
ecco a te il log:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[20:57:05] Server Plugins
[20:57:05] --------------
[20:57:05] Loading plugin:
[20:57:05] Failed.
[20:57:05] Loaded 0 plugins.

[20:57:05] Ban list
[20:57:05] --------
[20:57:05] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:57:05] Filterscripts
[20:57:05] ---------------
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'Bank.amx'...
[20:57:05] [MAP] The Bank - by Peep
[20:57:05] --------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'SaveWeapon.amx'...
[20:57:05] =======================================
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | YSI version 1.04.0000 |
[20:57:05] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] =======================================
[20:57:05] -- Weapon Saving System by FullHouse --
[20:57:05] --------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'fame.amx'...
[20:57:05] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[20:57:05] ----------------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'sete.amx'...
[20:57:05] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[20:57:05] ----------------------------------------------

[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[20:57:05] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[20:57:05] Ban list
[20:57:05] --------
[20:57:05] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:57:05] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[20:57:05] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[20:57:05] Script[gamemodes/ChesterfieldCityRoleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:57:05] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:57:05] ==========================================
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
[20:57:05] | available from: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] |
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Changelog: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.00.0000: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
[20:57:05] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
[20:57:05] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
[20:57:05] | Largely documented here |
[20:57:05] | " |
[20:57:05] | ?t=321092". |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.01.0002: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
[20:57:05] | "y_classes". |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | 3.09.0684: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] | Reverted to old download location. |
[20:57:05] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
[20:57:05] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
[20:57:05] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
[20:57:05] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
[20:57:05] | repository for more details: |
[20:57:05] | |
[20:57:05] ==========================================

mentre il CFG è questo:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password lol
maxplayers 50
bind XXX.25.XXX.10
port XXXXX
hostname [ITA]Chesterfield City Roleplay
gamemode0 ChesterfieldCityRoleplay
filterscripts Bank SaveWeapon fame sete rcon antiping antibot Anti-Ip protmods
announce 0
query 1
maxnpc 0
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
Bene, come sospettato non ti ha caricato mezzo plugin, sicuramente perché non sono adatte alla versione Linux.
Quindi scarica lo streamer da qui
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

Ricompila la GM sostituendo l'include e ovviamente inserisci il file .so
Per quanto riguarda l'sscanf controlla se è presente nella cartella il plugin perché da quello che vedo il server non prova neanche a caricartelo. In caso non lo avessi, scaricalo con una semplice ricerca su Google.

Se ci sono altri problemi passami sempre il log.

Inviato dal mio Google Nexus 5 utilizzando Tapatalk
Salve,sono il socio di fryking e proprietario della gamemode,ho già utilizzato altre macchine linux per hostare il server e non ho mai avuto problemi,comunque ho fatto come hai detto tu e nel compilare la gamemode mi sono usciti degli errori,eccoli:

C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128"
C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerEditObject")
C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerSelectObject")
C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "SELECT_OBJECT_PLAYER_OBJECT"
C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "OnPlayerWeaponShot")
C:\Users\paris\Desktop\Weapon Saving System\Chesterfield City RP\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER_OBJECT"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.

Questo è l'ultimo log:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[14:30:32] Server Plugins
[14:30:32] --------------
[14:30:32] Loading plugin:
[14:30:32] Failed.
[14:30:32] Loading plugin:
[14:30:32] Failed.
[14:30:32] Loading plugin:
[14:30:32] Failed.
[14:30:32] Loaded 0 plugins.

[14:30:32] Ban list
[14:30:32] --------
[14:30:32] Loaded: samp.ban
[14:30:32] Filterscripts
[14:30:32] ---------------
[14:30:32] Loading filterscript 'Bank.amx'...
[14:30:32] [MAP] The Bank - by Peep
[14:30:32] --------------------------------------

[14:30:32] Loading filterscript 'SaveWeapon.amx'...
[14:30:32] =======================================
[14:30:32] | |
[14:30:32] | YSI version 1.04.0000 |
[14:30:32] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[14:30:32] | |
[14:30:32] =======================================
[14:30:33] -- Weapon Saving System by FullHouse --
[14:30:33] --------------------------------------

[14:30:33] Loading filterscript 'fame.amx'...
[14:30:33] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[14:30:33] ----------------------------------------------

[14:30:33] Loading filterscript 'sete.amx'...
[14:30:33] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[14:30:33] ----------------------------------------------

[14:30:33] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[14:30:33] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[14:30:33] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[14:30:33] Ban list
[14:30:33] --------
[14:30:33] Loaded: samp.ban
[14:30:33] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[14:30:33] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[14:30:33] Script[gamemodes/ChesterfieldCityRoleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:30:33] Number of vehicle models: 0
[14:30:33] ==========================================
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
[14:30:33] | available from: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] |
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | Changelog: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | 3.00.0000: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
[14:30:33] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
[14:30:33] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
[14:30:33] | Largely documented here |
[14:30:33] | " |
[14:30:33] | ?t=321092". |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | 3.01.0002: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
[14:30:33] | "y_classes". |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | 3.09.0684: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] | Reverted to old download location. |
[14:30:33] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
[14:30:33] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
[14:30:33] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
[14:30:33] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
[14:30:33] | repository for more details: |
[14:30:33] | |
[14:30:33] ==========================================
Quei piccoli errori sono dovuti a problemi di compatibilità con le librerie di samp.
Nel link allegato troverai lo con il problema risolto.
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

Inoltre noto anche che continua a non caricarti i plugin. Sicuro che siano tutti dentro la cartella "Plugins" e sono in formato .so?
Si,i plugins sono nella cartella plugins del server e sono in formato .so

- - - Aggiornato - - -

Non è cambiato nulla
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[17:14:21] Server Plugins
[17:14:21] --------------
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loaded 0 plugins.

[17:14:21] Ban list
[17:14:21] --------
[17:14:21] Loaded: samp.ban
[17:14:21] Filterscripts
[17:14:21] ---------------
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'Bank.amx'...
[17:14:21] [MAP] The Bank - by Peep
[17:14:21] --------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'SaveWeapon.amx'...
[17:14:21] =======================================
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | YSI version 1.04.0000 |
[17:14:21] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] =======================================
[17:14:21] -- Weapon Saving System by FullHouse --
[17:14:21] --------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'fame.amx'...
[17:14:21] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[17:14:21] ----------------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'sete.amx'...
[17:14:21] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[17:14:21] ----------------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[17:14:21] Ban list
[17:14:21] --------
[17:14:21] Loaded: samp.ban
[17:14:21] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[17:14:21] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[17:14:21] Script[gamemodes/ChesterfieldCityRoleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:14:21] Number of vehicle models: 0
[17:14:21] ==========================================
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
[17:14:21] | available from: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] |
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Changelog: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.00.0000: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
[17:14:21] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
[17:14:21] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
[17:14:21] | Largely documented here |
[17:14:21] | " |
[17:14:21] | ?t=321092". |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.01.0002: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
[17:14:21] | "y_classes". |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.09.0684: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Reverted to old download location. |
[17:14:21] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
[17:14:21] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
[17:14:21] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
[17:14:21] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
[17:14:21] | repository for more details: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] ==========================================

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[17:14:21] Server Plugins
[17:14:21] --------------
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loading plugin:
[17:14:21] Failed.
[17:14:21] Loaded 0 plugins.

[17:14:21] Ban list
[17:14:21] --------
[17:14:21] Loaded: samp.ban
[17:14:21] Filterscripts
[17:14:21] ---------------
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'Bank.amx'...
[17:14:21] [MAP] The Bank - by Peep
[17:14:21] --------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'SaveWeapon.amx'...
[17:14:21] =======================================
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | YSI version 1.04.0000 |
[17:14:21] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] =======================================
[17:14:21] -- Weapon Saving System by FullHouse --
[17:14:21] --------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'fame.amx'...
[17:14:21] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[17:14:21] ----------------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'sete.amx'...
[17:14:21] Cents filterscript version 1.0 by MadeMan
[17:14:21] ----------------------------------------------

[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'rcon.amx'...
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'antiping.amx'...
[17:14:21] Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[17:14:21] Ban list
[17:14:21] --------
[17:14:21] Loaded: samp.ban
[17:14:21] Bots Security Script v1.0B loaded
[17:14:21] Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[17:14:21] Script[gamemodes/ChesterfieldCityRoleplay.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:14:21] Number of vehicle models: 0
[17:14:21] ==========================================
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | A new version (v3.09.0684) of YSI is |
[17:14:21] | available from: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] |
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Changelog: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.00.0000: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | YSI 3.0 released! Now includes the |
[17:14:21] | "y_text" library for better messages, |
[17:14:21] | and a reworked "y_classes" library. |
[17:14:21] | Largely documented here |
[17:14:21] | " |
[17:14:21] | ?t=321092". |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.01.0002: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Small fixes to "y_text" and |
[17:14:21] | "y_classes". |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | 3.09.0684: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] | Reverted to old download location. |
[17:14:21] | Improved (and fixed) version checks; |
[17:14:21] | added y_bitmap, y_areas, y_races, |
[17:14:21] | y_zonenames, better documentation; |
[17:14:21] | MANY other bug fixes - see the github |
[17:14:21] | repository for more details: |
[17:14:21] | |
[17:14:21] ==========================================

Che cosa usi per uppare i Plugins? Utilizzi il panello di Gamehosting oppure, utilizzi programmi esterni, come FileZilla? Potrebbe essere che non carichi correttamente il file e quindi ecco spiegato il tutto.