
Utente Guru
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User Legend
10 Giugno 2007
Miglior risposta
Materiale Preso da RaGEZONE

Mark's V12/13/14 Server PATCH 1 [NEW FURNI] [New pics]
Ragazzi vi copio tutto, se mi metto a tradurre, non vado a dormire più però in compenso vi posto le immagini. TRAX funzionanti al 100% TUTTE LE CASSETTE FUNGONO!
quote:Current release [1.8.1 Patch 1 - New Furni]:


[1.1 Beta]
- V12 Furniture Added
- V12 Posters Added
- V13 Furniture Added
- V13 Posters Added
- Console almost working
- "Spaces" page in catalogue fixed
- "@E" packet fixed

- Full English Catalogue
- Bank of Habbo/ Habbo Exchange
- V12/V13 Catalogue [Trax, Romantique, ..]
- Photo/ Tickets working
- Pet bug solved

- "Can'tregister" bug fixed

- Public rooms [10%]
- Bank of Habbo working
- Console messages working
- "Can'tseeotherhabbosinthesameroom" bug fixed
- "Thropiesname" bug fixed

- All Public Rooms Added
- More commands [:voucher & :whosonline & more. see below for more.]
- "Enter room with password" bug fixed

- Rare page editor
- Habbo editor
- Catalogue editor
- Private Room editor
- Walk in public rooms [90%]
- Habbo Club catalogue

- "Can'tenterprivaterooms" bug fixed

- Walking in private rooms fixed.

[1.6 - Patch 2]
- Mass Credits
- Edit Public Rooms
- Edit Public Rooms Controls
- Edit Furniture
- Little fixes
- Redesigned some things
- Infobus [99%]
- Custom publicrooms [easter/xmas theater etc.]
- TV Studio added.
- Bots [30%]
- All public rooms [complete hallways etc.]
- Snowstorm/Battleball gamestuff added
- "Can'tsitinpublicrooms" bug fixed
- "CantbuyHC" bug fixed
- "Admin/Modscan'tenterroomswithadoorbell/password" bug fixed
- "can'tseeotherusersinpublics" bug fixed

- Custom language [NL,EN,DE,FR,IT,RU,SE,TU]
- New Furniture added
- Stacking
- Welcome Message
- TV Studio [normal, Much Music, The Box, Viva, M6]
- House of Flying Carrots [normal, Orange]
- Battleball rooms changed to Battleball: Rebound! rooms
- New furniture added [Japanese, Theater]
- Recolors added [Mode, Iced, Area]
- "Can'tseecolorsinmyhand" bug fixed
- "Botscan'tmove" bug fixed

- V14 DCR Support
- Swimming
- Changing Clothes [pools]
- Diving [99%]
- New Publics Added
- Group Badges [50%]
- "Navigatorcolorsdon'twork" bug fixed

- Password Check (on register)
- Commands fixed
- Diving 100%
- Admins can see roomids
- Lock publicrooms [admin/hc only]
- New command ":moveto" (Puts privateroom in "Habbo Staff Recommended Rooms" floor.)
- Trax [85%]
- Ecotron [90%]
- "Disconnectafterclicking"Done"inregistering" bug fixed
- "Everyonecanenteradoorbelroom" bug fixed
- "NON-HCcan'tdance" bug fixed

- Donation Button added
- Public Room Poll system added
- Trax [100%]
- Ecotron [99%]
- :infobus open/close command added
- :poof command added
- :group <id> command added
- Started with Chess [70%]
- Change private room catagories
- Some more furni added
- A maximum of 1 trax in a room is added.
- "Smallloading" bug fixed
- "Can'tbuymodeminibar" bug fixed
- "Getadoorbelalertwhenaadminenters" bug fixed
- "Goth/Rope/Mazegate" bug fixed
- "Samepet2timesinroom" bug fixed
- "Adminscan'topengates" bug fixed
- "Littleteleportbug" bug fixed
- "Panda&ShivaposterisPHbox" bug fixed

[1.8.1 Patch 1]
- "Can'tputtraxinaroom" bug fixed

[1.8.1 Patch 1 - New Furni]
- New furniture added
In Next Release [1.9]:
- ?

[Still] Working on:
- Battleball: Rebound!
- Ecotron

Known Bugs [1.8.1]:
- Games are not working
- Picnic area is closed
- Camera [not saving]
- HC Presents


Download [1.1 Beta]:
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Download [1.2]:
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Download [1.2.1]:
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Download [1.3]:
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Download [1.4]:
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Download [1.5]:
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Download [1.5.1]:
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Download [1.5.2]:
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Download [1.6 - Patch 2]:
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Download [1.7]:
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Download [1.7 External Texts & Vars]:
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Download [1.7.1]:
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Download [1.8]:
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Mirror 2:
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Download [1.8.1]:
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Mirror 2:
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Download [1.8.1 Patch 1]:
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Download [1.8.1 Patch 1 - New Furni]:
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Mirror 2:








scarichi la relase completa, ad esempio [1.8] e poi scarichi [1.8.1 Patch 1 - New Furni] che contiene buy_furni e catalogue

oppure solo buy_furni e catalogue e fate la prova a inserirlo nel vostro database con il server che avete voi...
francesco io o provato il mark 1.8.1 il trax non va
invece o provato il mark 1.8 il traxva ma la console no ce il bug dei 200 mesaggi che faccio?
Scaricati questo server, non ha quel bug:

Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
come sempre sostituisci solo il server a quello che hai tu.
francesco nn ho capito che cosa devo scaricare! quale download c'è ne stanno tanti?? me li segni quali??
grazie amico!!!!!!!!!!
L'ho scritto sopra:
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
scarica questo e poi scarica questo:
Download [1.8.1 Patch 1 - New Furni] che contiene buy_furni e catalogue
Ok eccomi sono io Luigi (silente1996) cmq ho provato il server che avevi postato ed è Ottimo!
Ottimo lavoro! Dopo tanto tempo ho un retro in cui vanno trax e jukebox, :emoji_smiley: :emoji_smiley:!!
scsate per il terzo messaggio fila ma ci è stato un errore con i messaggi quello in cui dice che il server è ottimo va sotto francesco scs il link che mi ahi dato da l'errore ok?? grz