Release release TBot a new clicker bot


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19 Agosto 2010
Miglior risposta
1. Works in the background.
2. collect bonus boxes.
3. Collects winter box.
4. Refit the ship, after the destruction.
5. Use the PET
6. You can set the time and break.
7. Displays the log collected during the work.
8. Automatically updated to the latest version.
9. The collection function of palladium will be implemented later.

It requires:
3. Flash Player latest version of the browser Internet Explorer.
4. Bot not work with accounts registered through any services (such rambler), changing the address of the home page and, in fact, the cards.
When you try to login with this account there will be a error

Status - ONLINE



1. From the map, in the settings> Gameplay activate the item Automatic change to the card. Without this setting, the bot will not be able to start work.
Just to avoid unpleasant situations loss camouflage / hi-tekov / ammunition - check the settings in the screenshot:

2. Set the low quality of graphics boxes.
3. Disconnect the background and explosions.
4. Set the minimum size of the minimap.
5. Can you just turn off the chat, resources, cargo boxes (Optional).

- First run:
When the boot bot login and go to the Map. After a full load map, go to the tab Login and click Start.

- FAQ: Settings
1. General (General)
- 1.1. Runtime (Hours) Default is not set.
- 1.2. Screenshot (Snapshot desktop screen) - Creates an image in the root folder of the bot.
- 1.3. Live Mode (Real Time) - Emulates the browser, allowing you to control the ship during Botha.
- 1.4. Open Browser - Quick Login to your account. Login occurs through the SID, so that the logs do not collect stray.
- 1.5. RMB (right mouse button) on the map - Screening of the individual parts of the interface. Protect from breeding clicking the clicker.
Clear Restricted Area`s button clears the selected areas.
- 1.6. The middle mouse button on the minimap given the trajectory of the ship. You must install at least 2 points.
Clear Waypoint`s button clears the specified route.
2. Break Settings (Interruptions)
- 2.1. Break - Suspend bot for a specified time (min.)
- 2.2. Every - Hours before the interruption. (Hour)
3. Repair Settings (Repair)
- 3.1. You can specify exactly how to repair the ship. (Based on / at the nearest portal / On-site destruction) By default, the ship being repaired at the nearest base.

1.1. To start PET, first select the desired mode then activate itself PET, pressing Start

- FAQ: Plus
1.1. Allows you to view information about the status of the bot on smartphones.
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1.2. To start the service, you must click Start Service tab Plus, after which you will be assigned a unique Client ID
To view details of your account, enter your Client ID in the above link :
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download link:
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Topic sprovvisto di scansione hai 24 ore di tempo per aggiungerla. @Abdel-Official-Resseller

EDIT: mediafire ha l'antivirus incluso, la scansione non è necessaria.
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