Sarete i più veloci?



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per vedere quanto siete veloci a scrivere con la tastiera :emoji_confused:
Ecco il mio:
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
You reached 197 points, so you achieved position 29836 of 87196 on the ranking list

You type 273 characters per minute
You have 58 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
Ultima modifica:
You reached 130 points, so you achieved position 58439 of 87210 on the ranking list

You type 222 characters per minute
You have 41 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words
41 words
Show your friends how fast you are and include this code into your website:<a href="" style="display: block; width: 300px; height: 100px; background: url('') no-repeat; padding-top: 50px; padding-left: 60px; color: #009933; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; font-family: Times New Roman, Arial, serif; font-size: 40px;">41 words</a><p><a href="">Speed test</a></p>
ragazzi ma dopo la prima farse come si fà avanti? la completo e non se muove,clicco invio e non se muove :\
You reached 162 points, so you achieved position 44081 of 87271 on the ranking list

You type 253 characters per minute
You have 52 correct words and
you have 4 wrong words
52 words

un pò lento ma non mi arrendo :Muhaha:
You reached 179 points, so you achieved position 37001 of 87470 on the ranking list

You type 264 characters per minute
You have 53 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words