Stai attento, quel pezzo si trova nel staff.phpProva a trovare la parte da te citata nella me.php e traduci il tutto
Ecco la pagina staff.php
|| # HoloCMS - Website and Content Management System
|| # Copyright © 2008 Meth0d. All rights reserved.
|| #Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
|| # HoloCMS is provided "as is" and comes without
|| # warrenty of any kind. HoloCMS is free software!
$allow_guests = true;
$tmp = getContent('mod_staff-enabled');
if($tmp !== "1"){
header("Location: index.php"); exit;
$pagename = "Staff Team";
$pageid = "8";
<div id="container">
<div id="content">
<div id="column1" class="column">
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix blue ">
<h2 class="title">
Lista Staff</h2>
<div id="notfound-looking-for" class="box-content">
<div class="habblet box-content">
<h2 class="title">Fondatori
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,lastvisit,look,gender,id FROM users WHERE rank = 7 ORDER BY username") or die(mysql_error());
$staff_members = mysql_num_rows($getem);
if($staff_members == 7){
echo "No staff to display yet.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getem, MYSQL_NUM)) {
if($row[2] == 7 || $row[2] > 7){ // = 7 or higher - Admin
$row[2] = "Fondatore";
$row[1] = "";
$badge = GetUserBadge($row[0]);
if($badge !== false){
$badge = "<img src=\"".$cimagesurl.$badgesurl.$badge.".gif\" /></a>";
} else {
$badge= "";
$groupbadge = GetUserGroupBadge($row[6]);
if($groupbadge !== false){
$gbadge = "<a rel='nofollow' href='group_profile.php?id=".GetUserGroup($row[6])."'><img src='./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupbadge."'></a>";
} else {
$gbadge = "";
$online_img = "online_anim";
$online_caption = "Online now!";
} else {
$online_img = "offline";
$online_caption = "Offline";
printf("<p><img src='' alt='%s' align='left' />
<b><a rel='nofollow' href='user_profile.php?name=%s'>%s</a></b> <img src='./web-gallery/v2/images/habbo_%s.gif' title='%s' alt='%s' border='0'><br />
<i>%s</i><br />
<br />
Ruolo: %s<br />
Ultima visita: %s<br />
<br />%s %s<br /><br /></p>
",$row[4],$row[0],$row[0],$row[0],$online_img,$online_caption,$online_caption,stripslashes($row[1]),$row[2],$row[3], $badge, $gbadge);
<h2 class="title">Amministratori
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,lastvisit,look,gender,id FROM users WHERE rank = 6 ORDER BY username") or die(mysql_error());
$staff_members = mysql_num_rows($getem);
if($staff_members == 6){
echo "Non ci sono staff in questa sezione.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getem, MYSQL_NUM)) {
if($row[2] == 6 || $row[2] > 6){ // = 6 - Amministratori
$row[2] = "Amministratore";
$row[1] = "";
$badge = GetUserBadge($row[0]);
if($badge !== false){
$badge = "<img src=\"".$cimagesurl.$badgesurl.$badge.".gif\" /></a>";
} else {
$badge= "";
$groupbadge = GetUserGroupBadge($row[6]);
if($groupbadge !== false){
$gbadge = "<a rel='nofollow' href='group_profile.php?id=".GetUserGroup($row[6])."'><img src='./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupbadge."'></a>";
} else {
$gbadge = "";
$online_img = "online_anim";
$online_caption = "Online now!";
} else {
$online_img = "offline";
$online_caption = "Offline";
printf("<p><img src='' alt='%s' align='left' />
<b><a rel='nofollow' href='user_profile.php?name=%s'>%s</a></b> <img src='./web-gallery/v2/images/habbo_%s.gif' title='%s' alt='%s' border='0'><br />
<i>%s</i><br />
<br />
Ruolo: %s<br />
Ultima visita: %s<br />
<br />%s %s<br /><br /></p>
",$row[4],$row[0],$row[0],$row[0],$online_img,$online_caption,$online_caption,stripslashes($row[1]),$row[2],$row[3], $badge, $gbadge);
<h2 class="title">Moderatori
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,lastvisit,look,gender,id FROM users WHERE rank = 5 ORDER BY username") or die(mysql_error());
$staff_members = mysql_num_rows($getem);
if($staff_members == 5){
echo "Non ci sono staff in questa sezione.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getem, MYSQL_NUM)) {
if($row[2] == 5 || $row[2] > 5){ // = 5 - Moderatori
$row[2] = "Moderatore";
$row[1] = "";
$badge = GetUserBadge($row[0]);
if($badge !== false){
$badge = "<img src=\"".$cimagesurl.$badgesurl.$badge.".gif\" /></a>";
} else {
$badge= "";
$groupbadge = GetUserGroupBadge($row[6]);
if($groupbadge !== false){
$gbadge = "<a rel='nofollow' href='group_profile.php?id=".GetUserGroup($row[6])."'><img src='./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupbadge."'></a>";
} else {
$gbadge = "";
$online_img = "online_anim";
$online_caption = "Online now!";
} else {
$online_img = "offline";
$online_caption = "Offline";
printf("<p><img src='' alt='%s' align='left' />
<b><a rel='nofollow' href='user_profile.php?name=%s'>%s</a></b> <img src='./web-gallery/v2/images/habbo_%s.gif' title='%s' alt='%s' border='0'><br />
<i>%s</i><br />
<br />
Ruolo: %s<br />
Ultima visita: %s<br />
<br />%s %s<br /><br /></p>
",$row[4],$row[0],$row[0],$row[0],$online_img,$online_caption,$online_caption,stripslashes($row[1]),$row[2],$row[3], $badge, $gbadge);
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,lastvisit,look,gender,id FROM users WHERE rank = 4 ORDER BY username") or die(mysql_error());
$staff_members = mysql_num_rows($getem);
if($staff_members == 4){
echo "Non ci sono staff in questa sezione.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getem, MYSQL_NUM)) {
if($row[2] == 4 || $row[2] > 4){ // = 4 - Moderatori in Prova
$row[2] = "Moderatore in Prova";
$row[1] = "No motto";
$badge = GetUserBadge($row[0]);
if($badge !== false){
$badge = "<img src=\"".$cimagesurl.$badgesurl.$badge.".gif\" /></a>";
} else {
$badge= "";
$groupbadge = GetUserGroupBadge($row[6]);
if($groupbadge !== false){
$gbadge = "<a rel='nofollow' href='group_profile.php?id=".GetUserGroup($row[6])."'><img src='./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupbadge."'></a>";
} else {
$gbadge = "";
$online_img = "online_anim";
$online_caption = "Online now!";
} else {
$online_img = "offline";
$online_caption = "Offline";
printf("<p><img src='' alt='%s' align='left' />
<b><a rel='nofollow' href='user_profile.php?name=%s'>%s</a></b> <img src='./web-gallery/v2/images/habbo_%s.gif' title='%s' alt='%s' border='0'><br />
<i>%s</i><br />
<br />
Rank: %s<br />
Last Visit: %s<br />
<br />%s %s<br /><br /></p>
",$row[4],$row[0],$row[0],$row[0],$online_img,$online_caption,$online_caption,stripslashes($row[1]),$row[2],$row[3], $badge, $gbadge);
$getem = mysql_query("SELECT username,motto,rank,lastvisit,look,gender,id FROM users WHERE rank = 4 ORDER BY username") or die(mysql_error());
$staff_members = mysql_num_rows($getem);
if($staff_members == 4){
echo "Non ci sono staff in questa sezione.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($getem, MYSQL_NUM)) {
if($row[2] == 4 || $row[2] > 4){ // = 4 - Moderatori in Prova
$row[2] = "Moderatore In Prova";
$row[1] = "No motto";
$badge = GetUserBadge($row[0]);
if($badge !== false){
$badge = "<img src=\"".$cimagesurl.$badgesurl.$badge.".gif\" /></a>";
} else {
$badge= "";
$groupbadge = GetUserGroupBadge($row[6]);
if($groupbadge !== false){
$gbadge = "<a rel='nofollow' href='group_profile.php?id=".GetUserGroup($row[6])."'><img src='./habbo-imaging/badge.php?badge=".$groupbadge."'></a>";
} else {
$gbadge = "";
$online_img = "online_anim";
$online_caption = "Online now!";
} else {
$online_img = "offline";
$online_caption = "Offline";
printf("<p><img src='' alt='%s' align='left' />
<b><a rel='nofollow' href='user_profile.php?name=%s'>%s</a></b> <img src='./web-gallery/v2/images/habbo_%s.gif' title='%s' alt='%s' border='0'><br />
<i>%s</i><br />
<br />
Rank: %s<br />
Last Visit: %s<br />
<br />%s %s<br /><br /></p>
",$row[4],$row[0],$row[0],$row[0],$online_img,$online_caption,$online_caption,stripslashes($row[1]),$row[2],$row[3], $badge, $gbadge);
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<div id="column2" class="column">
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix <?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff1-color')); ?> ">
<h2 class="title"><?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff1-heading')); ?>
<div id="notfound-looking-for" class="box-content">
<p><?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff1')); ?></p>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
<div class="habblet-container ">
<div class="cbb clearfix <?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff2-color')); ?> ">
<h2 class="title"><?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff2-heading')); ?>
<div id="notfound-looking-for" class="box-content">
<p><?php echo stripslashes(getContent('staff2')); ?></p>
<script type="text/javascript">if (!$(document.body).hasClassName('process-template')) { Rounder.init(); }</script>
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