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David: ... it is in the middle of the forest. So, small trails. So, after a certain point...
Tiago: You must show me the way.
David: ... we have to pay attention. Man, I've never been there.
Tà¢nia Man, but you know the way, don't you?
David: Me!? I've never been there.
Tà¢nia But you know the way?
David: I was told the way. I have a mental sketch (croqui).
Tiago: You have a mental sketch...
Tà¢nia You have a mental sketch. I love it. I loved to know that you have a mental sketch. I'm so confident, David...
David: Man... aren't you doubting of my mental capacity!?
Tà¢nia Man, no, but I don't feel like strolling in Sintra just because...
David: No... man! She's stressed already. Tiago move forward.
Tiago: Mental sketch...
David: Tiago, move on...
Tiago: Mental croquete (rimes with sketch). Mentality of the croquete.
David: Croquete!? Tiago turn left, man.
Tiago: We always knew... that we have the mentality of the croquete.
David: F*ck, you are...
Tiago: An now, sketch!?
David: Turn left, or what? No, it wasn't.
Tiago: No? So what? Was forward?
David: Turn back now. Turn back.
Tà¢nia Your mental sketch is working fine, hàƒÂ£
David: Turn back here, it's wide. No... I was looking at the camera. Watch the motorbike. Be aware with the motorbike at the left.
Tiago: Worry about the camera!
Tà¢nia That camera on is upsetting me, David.
David: Man, you know how it is. A new toy.
Tà¢nia Idiot.
David: Are you enjoying?
Tà¢nia Fantastic!
David: Isn't it all you haver waited for?
Tà¢nia Man, it's so bad is cold.
David: Thats it my friend. Sintra's cold and moist is 100% guaranteed.
Tà¢nia this is... what is it!? What do they have? It's what? What kind of weather? Microclimate.
David: Microclimate. It's for microbes.
Tà¢nia It's so funny. I hardly see the time...
David: Are you delighted (rimes with funny)? That's because you are with two extremely sensual man ... ?
Tà¢nia huuu huuu
David: Tiago I'm just joking. I'm just joking...
Tiago: yes yes..
David: I'm just joking.
Tà¢nia Or not!
David: The real artist is the one that jokes... The artist who's not joke... Makes portuguese movies!
Tiago: That's why I'm not an artist. I'm a driver... (rimes with artist)
David: You are an artist, You... You are an artist. You are an artist.
Tiago: What's that man!?
Tà¢nia Dammit.
Tiago: Dead trees. It's kind of dreadful.
David: Sintra man, I've told you already. It's not easy.
Tiago: What if you turn off the camera and pay attention to the road!? I don't want to spend all night in this.
Tà¢nia That would be helpful!
David: But it is also nice to see...
Tà¢nia What the f*ck.
Tiago: I'm driving as it should be.
David: Man, don't wrack the car, or else.
Tiago: Watch it... What if you see back there...
David: F*ck man.
Tà¢nia I'm tired of driving around. Tis sh*t looks all the same. I'm tired to see the same roade. I'm seasick.
Tiago: Watch this trick, watch this trick.
David: I can see infrared but you don't, I'm warning you.
Tiago: can you see? You must let me drive with infrared.
David: With two cameras in the eyes...
Tiago: In the next movie.
David: But you practice alone. You will see we are arriving.
Tà¢nia You have told that already ling time ago.
David: It's 20km. It's 20 km in the mountains, it isn't... it isn't simply straight ahead.
Tiago: Are.... Isn't... through these houses there!?
David: See that plate. Hold on, hold on. Move forward. Move forward. ... There is no doubt.
Tà¢nia Man, don play with me, David. Really!
David: No Tà¢nia. You will be left behind, I'm warning you. What can happen? Look, there is no much fuel. The most that can happen...
Tiago: It's kind of bad, maybe we should...
David: ... walk is good... we have to go back to Sintra, man. It's better not to miss anymore, because if we do, I don't know...
Tiago: Look. What if you turn off the camera and pay more attention to the road.
David: F*ck! Isn't it nice!? Isn't it nice, later to see this sh*t!? * Is someone there?
Tiago: It's my neighbor
David: Neighbor!?
Tiago: I'm joking, I'm joking.
Tà¢nia Don't joke.
Tiago: I'm going to stop. She is alone.
Tà¢nia Are you stupid or what!? Move on Tiago.
Tiago: She is alone. I's kind of strange, or what!?
Tà¢nia And what do I have to do with that? Listen!
David: Let her come, let her come. She can be nice.
Tiago: Good evening!
David: Hi!
Teresa: Can I get a lift?
David: Where to?
Teresa: There ahead.
David: Ok. Come in. Tiago, it's you car. ... So? Are you ok? So, are you ok?
Tiago: Going to Sintra?
Teresa: I'm going there, ahead.
David: Ok. So what are you doing here so late? ... What are you doing here so late?
Tiago: She can be upset with the camera, David. Turn it off.
David: It's better to turn that sh*t off.
Tiago: But did it happened anything? What's your name, we don't know your name.
Teresa: Teresa.
Tiago: Did it happened anything... back there? You have that sh*t on again, don't you!? Turn it off!
Tà¢nia Ei, David! Are you sure that you are ok? Do you want to drink anything? We have water. We have water, do you want to drink anything?
Tiago: ...
Tà¢nia I'm trying to understand what is happening!
David: Say what happened... what is so...
Teresa: Can you see that spot there?
David: Yes.
Teresa: See that spot there? That's where I had the accident ... and died. traduzione in inglese...lo trovata girovagando su google e racconta anche cioè che hanno detto i protagonisti prima ancora d incontrare Teresa

In Costruzione
ma daiii è tt na finzione! cm fanno a farvi paura ste cs!! vi vorrei vedere al cinema a vedere un horror.. bah!

hai ragione...è vero
al cinema con quei effetti speciali fanno di tutto
questo pero sembra + vero perke sai che è stato ripreso con la telecamera...bisogna pero pensare che con la tecnologia oggi si puo fare di tutto

In Costruzione
Si però il fatto che fanno l'incidente sembra reale perchè se notate cola anche il sange da sopra :S!
Io ogni volta che vedo sangue vero mi da fastidio e mi viene quasi da svenire! :S




Ho fatto vedere questo video a un mio amico...SI E' CACATO SOTTO!! XD!Hai ragione cmq perchè è irreale...infatti si possono fare queste cazzate con il computer -.-°




mistery vuoi moderarti gentilmente???
sempre cazzo cazzo smettila non essere volgare !

Senti io posso cazzeggiare quando voglio perchè non sei tu a comandarmi! -.-"



Anke io l'ho visto ed è vero!!!!!!!!!!!!!sono esperti su fantasmi che cercano questi misteri e sostavano inoltrando a sintra(portogallo)per vedere una casa sul cimitero apparivano faccie sull pavimento.

Bella osservazione ;)
Anke io l'ho visto ed è vero!!!!!!!!!!!!!sono esperti su fantasmi che cercano questi misteri e sostavano inoltrando a sintra(portogallo)per vedere una casa sul cimitero apparivano faccie sull pavimento.

Bella osservazione ;)


Calmo...Comunque il Video è impressionante :-(
Innanzitutto la storia è vera, la polizia l'ha affermato
Esiste anche il video con i sottotitoli in italiano... me lo aveva dato un mio amico ora non lo so dove sia, comunque non fa molta paura...
anche io ho messo il video ma la traduzione mi ha reso la comprensione del video piu semplice grz!!
falso,falso,falsissimo e una delle + grandi bufale pero devo dire la verita e organizzata molto bene: prima cosa strana guarda un po avevano la telecamera (quando succedono fenomeni paranormali tutti ce la hanno chissa perke xD)
2 cosa e 1 lingua stranissima e non so come lo abbiano tradotto io lo visto molto tempo fa sto video sul sito
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
andateci se ci credete a ste cose io sinceramente no xD
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