scusate se ho lasciato tanti messaggi.. ma credevo che non funzionasse.. !! ;)
-.- fai pure la faccina ";)" ? ma x favore -.-

Basta Farla Arricchire!
Lunadismeraldo... Che Si Arricchisce Con I Tuoi Soldi ; E Tu, Il Povero Habbo... Che T'Impoverisci Per Crearti Un Pupazzo + Ricco!
Basta Spendere Soldi!
Entra Nella Community Per Perdere I Tuoi Soldi!
Lunadismeraldo... Conta I Suoi Lingotti ; Tu, Il Povero Habbo... Conti Le Pecore
C'è Chi Guadagna Più Dei Politici, LunaDiSmeraldo
Sti Ricconi!
Lunadismeraldo.... Lei Può Tenersi Un Conto In Banca ; Tu, Il Povero Habbo... Il Tuo Massimo è Riempire Un Salvadanaio!
Luna Potrebbe Levare La Fame Nel MONDO!
Se Luna Donasse All' Unicef® Il Terzo Mondo Non Sarebbe Mai Esistito!
LunaDismeraldo... Vuole L'Unicef In Habbo ; Tu, Il Povero Habbo Pensi: Anche Se "Costringere" I Bambini A Spendere Soldi
Per Spendere Soldi Senza Motivo, C'è Luna, Per Il Resto C'è ControHabbo
(Pensi Tu, Il Povero Habbo) Per Spendere Soldi, C'è Luna e per tutto il Resto C'è MasterCard®!
guardate un pò qui se serve !!!!!!!
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<title>otaku-lessons « Tag Feed</title>
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:35:47 +0000</pubDate>
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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Magazine in progress...
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ I#8217;m sorry that I haven#8217;t been able to make a proper post during this week. I#8217;ve busy with editing AnimeFood:
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<p>I'm sorry that I haven't been able to make a proper post during this week. I've busy with editing AnimeFood: Aug/Sept issue, signing papers to get a mortgage, and commuting through crazy construction... all I see for my 45-mile, 2-hour-plus commute is a wall of construction markers and torn-up roads... even on the back roads! RadioFreeMars: "Renovations! Don't you have something better to with our tax money gatekeeps?!" Once the storm has calmed I will post about my first time working as a contributing editor, and perhaps a few more music reviews- my students seem to really like those.</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="25" width="25" /></a></p>

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ ACEN 2007: A Year to Remember
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ Ever since I moved to the Chicagoland area I have attended ACEN. I think its one of the reasons I’ve
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<p>Ever since I moved to the Chicagoland area I have attended <a href="" target="_blank">ACEN</a>. I think its one of the reasons I’ve decided to continue living in the area- that and the Chicago Art Theaters (I actually watched <a href="" target="_blank">Cowboy Bebop: Knock'n on Heaven's Door</a> 4 times in one day<a href="" target="_blank"> here</a>) usually show an occasional anime movie on the big screen. Yes, I am a hopeless otaku. Anyway, I’ve digressed.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><a href="" title="acen 10 limited edition hologram badge (holograms blurr when you scan them)"><img src="" alt="acen 10 limited edition hologram badge (holograms blurr when you scan them)" height="300" width="500" /></a></p>
<p>You always remember your first… convention. It was in 2003 when ventured from my hermit-caveman like existence as and otaku and went to ACEN. I got lost in the swarms of otaku. Waiting in lines, long lines. Pushing through crowded stomach-curdling odorous hotel corridors- understanding what <a href="" target="_blank">GOT SOAP?</a> <em>is</em> all about. Going broke in the crammed vendor’s room (hoping I had enough quarters stashed back in the car to take the tolls home). I finally retreated to the safety of the familiar cold and darkness – a different cave, the 24-hour viewing rooms – to hide from crazed cosplayers, sugar-rushed teens, and the hairy <a href="" target="_blank">Sailor Moon bubba</a>-dudes. I hid in the viewing caves for the rest of the convention, hoping that whatever brain-infection those bubba-dudes had – was not contagious. As I drive home – after searching for quarters in between the seats of my VW at 2:00am – I’m thinking I’ve just left another world – a magical land – where anime is everywhere and in everything – on t-shirts, on screens, on posters, in plushies, in toys, in food, even in the cute girl that was sitting next to me right now… no just a dream… in the viewing-caves with those even cuter cat ears. *prrr* <a href="" target="_blank">Kawaii!</a></p>
<p align="right"><a href="" title="ACen 2003"><img src="" alt="ACen 2003" align="right" height="264" width="196" /></a></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Now it is 2007, ACEN is celebrating its 10<sup>th</sup> anniversary.<span> </span>Armed with the experience of many anime cons loaded into my plasma cannon, I boldly explore the magical land called ACEN. This year there were many improvements, I didn’t wait in line to get into the con- I had my badge sent to me by mail, but I got it at the last minute. The staff had a botch-up with those and many other con goers didn’t get their badge in time for the con, but they promised that they will definitely fix that problem for next year’s con. The hotel corridors where crowded, but ACEN’s GOT SOAP? campaign has caused a decline in the pungent odors of the past. I now have a better job and I know how to feed my anime/manga craving through internet shops throughout the year (<a href="" target="_blank">Cyberspace is my Akihabara!</a>)- so the vendors didn’t make me go broke- and the vending room was spacious enough to handle the swarms of otakus.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><a href="" title="ACen 2004"><img src="" alt="ACen 2004" align="left" height="262" width="176" /></a>I think I have improved too. I’m glad I didn’t catch the brain-infection that makes hairy guys want to dress up as magical princesses, but I understand them – I think. I don’t cosplay, but I envy those who do. I’m used to sugar-rushed teens – I’m a high school teacher. My students know I’m an otaku and I work hard to coax my covert-otaku students out of their hermit-caves. I even spent most of my time at the convention meeting people and attending panels instead of retreating to the viewing-cave. I did checkout the viewing rooms –I crashed there in the late evenings and to eat throughout the day. I only watched a few hours of anime, I saw: <a href="" target="_blank">Gunbuster</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Samurai Champloo</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Solty Rei</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Ergo Proxy</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Tokko</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Nerima Daikon Brothers</a>… addicts live in denial… ok, maybe I did spend 9, no, 12 hours or so watching anime at a the con, it is ANIMEcentral after all. Besides, I spend that much time watching anime in a normal three day period at home… wait I’m defending my addictive behavior… digressing again.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><a href="" title="ACen 2005"><img src="" alt="ACen 2005" align="right" height="266" width="187" /></a>I attended lots of life-transforming panels, despite the fact that the programming schedule was not published and in my eager otaku hands until late in the day on Friday. I wondered into this <a href="" target="_blank"><em>AnimeFood Magazine</em></a> panel on Friday afternoon. Now I’m, well… you are reading the results (this was written for the Aug/Sept issue)… and I’m loosing more sleep to my addiction. Later that day I went to <em>Mime and Voiceover Acting</em> panel co-hosted by <a href="" target="_blank">Kirk Thornton</a> and a lovely voice actress (*sigh* I can’t find her name in my notes…*sniff*…<span> </span>in my fuzzy memories, in the ACEN program, website, forum, or …*burning tears*… I can remember her lovely voice and her gentle spirit speaking to me… but not her name… *hangs head in shame*… *sniff* I will find the strength to continue, maybe.)<span> </span><span> </span>Kirk is so laid-back and down-to-earth, I didn’t even realize that he his one of the most prolific voice actors in the business with over 200 roles to his credit including some of my personal favorites: Jin (Samurai Champloo), Hachimaki (<a href="" target="_blank">Planetes</a>), and Kuze (<a href="" target="_blank">Ghost in the Shell: 2nd GIG</a>); until I got to reading my program later that day. Neither one of them talked of their actual roles (or I could have redeemed myself by finding her name in the credits, no I haven’t found the strength to go on), but they talked about the art of voice acting- how seeing anime without voice is similar to acting mime and giving voice to those mimes. Then they took many questions from the attendees for most of the hour. They closed by speaking with us on a more personal level while David Fleming came in to set up for his <em>Lost in Translation</em> panel. I can still remember what she said to me…*sigh* my cherished secret.</p>
<p align="left"><a href="" title="ACen 2006"><img src="" alt="ACen 2006" align="left" height="245" width="189" /></a></p>
<p align="left"> I must first say this about <a href="" target="_blank">David Fleming</a>, he is the most important person in the US anime business, period. He has translated some of the most influential and incredible anime ever: <a href="" target="_blank">Akira</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Vision of Escaflowne</a>, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Samurai Champloo, and <a href="" target="_blank">Gankutsuou</a>, to name a few. He is very witty, intelligent, and patient. I mention the last characteristic, in particular, because the ACEN tech staff didn’t have the appropriate equipment setup in the room. I rush over to the gofer hole across the hall from the room and try to get someone’s attention- they ignore me. Another gofer wanders in, I tell him of the problem and he replies: “You’re gonna have to take care of it yourself because we don’t give a f#38;@k.” I was shocked, how could they disrespect David Fleming like that (yeah they dissed me too, but I’m immune to that sort of thing, being a teacher and all). Later, I find another staff member. He cared! He was also enraged about the gofers attitude and wanted their names so he could ban them from ACEN forever – I couldn’t remember their faces or names – I often have trouble with my student’s names too. Anyway, I rushed back to David’s panel. He starts the panel without the required tech stuff. He was good humored about the whole ordeal; he had us gather around his laptop<a href="" title="ACen 2007"><img src="" alt="ACen 2007" align="right" height="269" width="220" /></a> as he showed us what he does. He had an original storyboarded script of a Ghost in the Shell: SAC episode for us to look at. I was actually holding a GITS script! Am I in heaven? No, the tech gear never arrives. After David’s panel the Gankutsuou panelists arrive – David decided to stick around for that panel since he did the translation work. Luckily, forty-five minutes after contacting the ACEN staff member, the appropriate tech gear arrives. The panel was intriguing – they did a comparative study of other adaptations of The Count of Monte Cristo with Gankutsuou and even showed us some very rare videos of previous French adaptations. There were many other great panels later in the weekend like: <em>Translating Manga</em> presented by <span class="linkartist">Trish (<a href="" target="_blank">Ranma ½</a>), </span>Toshifumi Yoshida (<a href="" target="_blank">Negima!</a>) and their very adorable microphone-munching toddler of a son, <em>How to Work with your Writer/Artist</em> presented by Richard and Shannon Townsend (<a href="" target="_blank">Otaku-no-Yen</a>), <em>Creating Manga/Comics: Japan and US</em> with <a href="" target="_blank">Yasuhiro Nightow</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">Trigun</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Gungrave</a>) and Philp Moy (<a href="" target="_blank">Powerpuff Girls</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Samurai Jack</a>).</p>
<p align="left">There were also lots of other things to do at the con like gaming, cosplaying, dancing, and speed-dating. With so many things to do I can’t understand the lounging hoards of sugar-crashed teens in the hotel, well, maybe I can relate to them too. Just like ACEN, I too have changed throughout the years. For the better? Yes. Now, if I could just remember her name…</p>
<p align="left">Sensei no Otaku says: "An A+ to the first student to tell me her name! ...please?!" *sigh*</p>
<p align="left">#62;#62;#62;This report appears in the Aug/Sept issue of <a href="" target="_blank">AnimeFood Magazine</a>. #60;#60;#60;</p>
<p align="left"><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="25" width="25" /></a></p>

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: things to do (at the con)
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ Each convention will tend to be unique in some way so this checklist will try to reflect what most conventions
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<p>Each convention will tend to be unique in some way so this checklist will try to reflect what most conventions have in common.</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Wait in line</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Get an autograph from a guest from Japan (a picture too)</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Get an autograph from a guest from America (a picture too)</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Eat pocky</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Take a picture of Vash or Yuna</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Make a NEW friend (or two) and get their contact info</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Buy a convention souvenir - like a con t-shirt, a sticker or something - this act will help contribute to the club or organization that has organized the con</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Buy merch from vendors - like costume props, GO boards, plastic model kits, cell phone charms, t-shirts, etc. These items usually cost more online because of shipping costs. Avoid buying DVD's, CD's, and manga from venders at the con because you can get those from online vendors for a much better price</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Meet an artist from artist alley (get contact info) and buy something from them</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Attend at least 3 panels. I find that the panels are the best way to meet the guests (sometimes get an autograph) and make friends, plus you might just *gasp* learn something</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Watch anime- especially stuff you haven't seen</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Play DDR - you need to get some exercise after watching anime and sitting in panels all day</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Attend a J-pop/rock concert</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Eat your fruit and veggies</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Take a shower - please!</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Sleep - maybe</p>
<p>Sensei no Otaku says: "Lots of people are at cons -so make some new friends. You can read that manga or play that PSP on the Gundam ride home."</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a>PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.</p>

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: Packing the DayPack
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ Wear comfortable clothing and your hiking shoes; you#8217;ll be doing a lot of walking and standing. Pack all of the
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<p>Wear comfortable clothing and your hiking shoes; you'll be doing a lot of walking and standing. Pack all of the following things into or tether onto your day pack; make sure you leave plenty of empty space to load it up with merch from the vendors and artists!</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Digital Camera<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Cell Phone<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Swag or an autograph book for guests to sign<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 Liter water bottle with insulating cover<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Large wide-mouth Travel Mug<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Travel Mug<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Chopsticks<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Spoon<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> packed lunch (Why waste precious manga money on hotel food?)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> packed dinner (if the Con is far away from the hotel room)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> clean shirt (I might get the one I'm wearing sweaty)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> sweatshirt (it will be cold in the viewing and panel rooms)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> notepad/ composition book<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" style="width:15px;height:15px;" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2-3 pens</p>
<p>Sensei no Otaku says: "Don't bring things like books, PSP's, and mp3 players to eat up your time in lines. PEOPLE are at the convention, talk to them! Make new friends!"</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" style="width:20px;height:20px;" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a> PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.<a href="" title="asian pear"><br />

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: food
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ 1 Clif Bar (for each meal) 1 zip-lock bag of dried fruit and nuts (for each day to snack
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<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 Clif Bar (for each meal)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 zip-lock bag of dried fruit and nuts (for each day to snack on)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1-2 boxes of Pocky (for each day to keep the GLOMP squad well fed)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 zip-lock bag of loose leaf green tea or green tea bags<span> </span><br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 grapefruit (for each breakfast)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 zip-lock bag of cereal or granola (for each breakfast)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 small box of soymilk (the kind that doesn’t need refrigeration - for each breakfast)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 apple or Asian pear (for each lunch)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2 zip-locked almond butter and jelly sandwiches (for each lunch)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 instant noodle mix (for each dinner) -emptied into a zip-lock bags<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 instant “high-veggie-content” soup mix (for each dinner) -<span></span>You can usually get free hot water from the hotel coffee shops<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> small zip-lock bags with daily supplemental herbs and vitamins</p>
<p>Sensei no Otaku says: "Avoid perishable foods like grocery store sushi boxes; you don't want to waste your time in the hotel room puking and sleeping."</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a>PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">#160;</p>

- <item>
- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: personal items
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<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
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- <description>
- <![CDATA[ rain jacket sweatshirt (it gets cold in those air-conditioned viewing / panel rooms) 2 t-shirts (per day) -one is
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<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> rain jacket<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> sweatshirt (it gets cold in those air-conditioned viewing / panel rooms)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2 t-shirts (per day) -one is never enough when you want to be fresh after hiking<br />
through the crowded vendor room<span> </span><br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2 pairs of jeans<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> swimming trunks<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1.5 boxers (per day)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2 pairs of socks (per day)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> sweatpants (my pajamas)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> long sleeve shirt<span> </span>(my pajamas)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> sandals<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> hiking shoes<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> belt<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a>watch<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> large towel (the hotel ones are never soft or large enough)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2 hats<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> toothbrush<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> toothpaste<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> deodorant<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> scented-oil body spray<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> small shampoo bottle<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> small soap bottle<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> small shaving cream bottle<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> shaving razor<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> q-tips<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> finger-nail clippers<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> incense<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> lighter<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> incense holder<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> wallet<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> cash (acts as a spending limit in the vendor’s room)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> driver’s license<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> the Con registration<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> bank card</p>
<p>Sensei no Otaku says: "Always smell fresh at the Con! You don't want to repel fangirls!"<a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a> PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.</p>

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: equipment
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

- <description>
- <![CDATA[ The Con badge and lanyard (if they send it in the mail ahead of time) Day Pack (a back
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<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> The Con badge and lanyard (if they send it in the mail ahead of time)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Day Pack (a back pack or book bag for toting supplies and merch from the vendors)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Hiking Pack (instead of a suitcase, it carries more and travels better; I like the 70 Liter size)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Swag or an autograph book for guests to sign (You did fid out who was coming to the Con by reading the Con site, right?)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> autograph marker<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 1 Liter water bottle with insulating cover (for hydration throughout the day)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Large wide-mouth Travel Mug (large enough to be a bowl)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Travel Mug (for boiling water in, if you have a microwave and for drinking hot tea from)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Chopsticks<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Spoon<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Digital Camera<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Batteries<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Charger<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Memory stick<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> USB cord<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Cell Phone<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Charger<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Laptop<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> mouse<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> power cord<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> USB flash drive<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> notepad/ composition book<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> 2-3 pens<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a>sleeping bag (just in case the hotel messes up your reservations)</p>
<p>Sensei no Otaku says: "Cons are often harsh like the wilderness so you will look like a tech-otaku going for a hike in the wilderness with all this gear; but you will be prepared."</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a> PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.</p>

- <item>
- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Anime Convention Checklist: things to do (before you go)
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

- <description>
- <![CDATA[ I#8217;ve noticed a lot of hits have occured from otakus looking for a checklist of things to do to prepare
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<p>I've noticed a lot of hits have occured from otakus looking for a checklist of things to do to prepare for an Anime Convention. In response to my student's needs I have posted a series of threads with different checklists. The checklists are works in progress, so I may revise and add to them when I think of something or if someone recommends a change.</p>
<p><a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Read/print Sensei Joe's convention checklist thread<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a>Do a search at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for a list of Anime Cons by date, location, etc.<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Register as early as possible for the Con of your choice via their website (usually an early registration saves you precious manga money)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Do a search in <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a> for hotels within walking distance from the Con location (rooms at a nearby hotel instead of the one hosting can usually save you precious manga money)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Reserve a room at the hotel of your choice as early as possible (ones with a refrigerator and microwave are ideal)<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Arrange for transportation to the Con<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Read the Con’s site and plan your agenda for the event using their schedules<br />
<a href="" title="bite the bullet"><img src="" alt="bite the bullet" height="15" width="15" /></a> Pack your daypack and your hiker's packSensei no Otaku says: "It's never too early to start planning for a convention!"</p>
<p><a href="" title="asian pear"><img src="" alt="asian pear" height="20" width="20" /></a> PS: there are other anime <a href="" target="_blank">convention checklists</a> on this blog.</p>

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- <title>
- <![CDATA[ Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society ~ a first look
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

<pubDate>Thu, 23 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<dc:creator>Sensei Joe</dc:creator>
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!

- <description>
- <![CDATA[ This is at the climax of the movie GITS:SAC:SSS. Why would Togusa do such a thing? You#8217;ll have to watch
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<p>This is at the climax of the movie <a href="" target="_blank">GITS:SAC:SSS</a>. Why would Togusa do such a thing? You'll have to watch the movie to find out! It's so intense- it makes me cry!<br />
<a href="" title="bang?!!?"></p>
<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="" alt="bang?!!?" height="300" width="500" /></p>
<p></a><br />
These are some scenes from the opening sequence. Notice the similarities between the Major's location and body language: it is almost exactly the same as the opening sequence in the<a href="" target="_blank"> original GITS movie</a>.<br />
<a href="" title="solid state society"><img src="" alt="solid state society" /></a><a href="" title="major 01"><img src="" alt="major 01" /></a><a href="" title="major 02"><img src="" alt="major 02" /></a><a href="" title="major 3"><br />
<img src="" alt="major 3" /></a><a href="" title="major 4"><img src="" alt="major 4" /></a><a href="" title="major 4"><img src="" alt="harbor" /><br />
</a><a href="" title="major fall 01"><img src="" alt="major fall 01" /></a><a href="" title="major fall 02"><img src="" alt="major fall 02" /></a><a href="" title="major fall 03"><img src="" alt="major fall 03" /></a><br />
Most of the opening sequence takes place in an evacuated airport. Togusa is the team leader of Section 9. He apparently has some cybernetic enhancements and has traded in his Mateba Revolver for an Automatic. Section 9 is huge now; full of rookies and no name grunts in full armor. The rookie pictured here seems to be Togusa's partner.<a href="" title="airport"><img src="" alt="airport" /></a><a href="" title="togusa… without a mateba?"><img src="" alt="togusa… without a mateba?" /></a><a href="" title="togusa’s rookie partner"><img src="" alt="togusa’s rookie partner" /></a><br />
Here are some scenes from the title credits. Pay attention to the title credits, they show images that are key to solving the case.<br />
<a href="" title="sacred heart nursing society"><img src="" alt="sacred heart nursing society" /></a><a href="" title="believe"><img src="" alt="believe" /></a><a href="" title="major in dive room"><img src="" alt="major in dive room" /></a><br />
Some of the best artists in the business are connected to this project:<br />
<a href="" title="Shirow Masamune"><img src="" alt="Shirow Masamune" /></a><a href="" title="kenji kamiyama"><img src="" alt="kenji kamiyama" /></a><a href="" title="yoko kanno"><img src="" alt="
Raga -.- non penso che con google troviamo
cosa dobbiamo crakkarlo solo la domanda è solo chi :emoji_smiley:
tolgo da rilievo...ormai questa versione è obsoleta.

<center>...Debbo Project Beta Tester... </center>
<center>Se vedete dei comportamenti anomali nel forum, inviatemi una mail</center>
Questa versione non è obsoleta, se riusciamo a trovare il crack, all'interno c'è la funzione Upload, e ci downloaderemo la v. NUOVA!!!!
Complimenti arcangelo ti sei andato a pigliare una discussione ormai sotterrata per farti mex WoW xD
mamma mia ma mi pare che ce scritto nel regolamento di non aprire topic di anni e anni... aspe che mi rileggo il regolamento....
è così PIETRO..

inutile dire tutti le stesse cose, finiamola di postare messaggi inutili..
xD :emoji_smiley: ma non esiste proprio amico un modo? io sto cercando da capo a monte...
non ho trovato nnt però ho trovato un modo per rubare la pass a lunadismeraldo e altri staff...
però sto fatto devo provare poi vi farò sapere... ciau!

P.S. se nn ci credete cavoli vostri xD