nn mi fa entrare in hotel cn opera sai dirmi il xkè?
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Cm fate a mettere nelle votre informzioni ad esempio'' Mi sento: annoiato'' se me lo spiegate mi fate un favore grz
Ultima modifica:
Dai entrate ;) susu, chiedo ai dossatori di non scassare sempre , va be solo quello possono fare xD tanto l'hotel continua.
scusate l'ignoranza ma non capisco perche appena entro mi viene sta scritta
Policy verification
** Uber is an English hotel, and all users must speak English.

Due to repeated abuse and violation of our language-related rules, we are asking all users to verify they will abide by our rules. Failure to abide by our rules will result in you being BANNED. You have been warned.

Please proceed by typing the following sentence PRECISELY, noting capitalization and punctuation:
"Yes, I accept the rules and I will speak English in the hotel." [\spoiler]

o tradotto e quindi o scritto yes i accept ec... ma mi da errore o.o anche se scrivo virgolette e punteggiature nada lol
scusate l'ignoranza ma non capisco perche appena entro mi viene sta scritta
Policy verification
** Uber is an English hotel, and all users must speak English.

Due to repeated abuse and violation of our language-related rules, we are asking all users to verify they will abide by our rules. Failure to abide by our rules will result in you being BANNED. You have been warned.

Please proceed by typing the following sentence PRECISELY, noting capitalization and punctuation:
"Yes, I accept the rules and I will speak English in the hotel." [\spoiler]

o tradotto e quindi o scritto yes i accept ec... ma mi da errore o.o anche se scrivo virgolette e punteggiature nada lol
Yes, I accept the rules and I will speak English in the hotel. scrivi questo :emoji_smiley: