Info Buone Notizie per il retroserver di nostale!

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Sono stra d'accordo state calmi e intanto giocate a nostale normale xP o a altro... non pensateci troppo insomma... poveri lasciateli lavorare in pace xD non è che DOVEVANO iniziare a farlo... lo fanno per tutti gli amanti di nostale *-*
Hanno ripreso i lavori al coding del db e del server e,ovviamente,del client.. ^^
Ehm, ho guardato 3 Secondi fà, sono in quel modo da molti giorni.

Quindi non parlare...

Se avete notato,sul forum hanno messo una pagina con varie informazioni sulla closed beta,e hanno anche messo un modulo per partecipare alla beta (ho letto che potranno giocare un massimo di 50 player alla beta).Nn ne sono sicuro però.
Ho visto... ma il modulo non lo vedo... ò__ò
Infatti ho appena chiesto nella sezione internazionale chi partecipaerà alla closed beta.
Beh se questo vi aiuta ho tradotto in inglese l'informazzione sulla closed beta ma siccome l'italiano fa schifo (per come lo traduce...) l'ho fatto in inglese:

This thread is for information only.
The application process takes place, not yet!

~ ~ ~

To bring some light into the darkness now, I'll explain a few things to CB. Please read carefully review these and any questions can be asked in this thread.

What is probably the most important:

Who may participate in the Closed Beta?
It is common that beta keys will be drawn randomly. However, we proposed the amendments would not bring much. Therefore, we need experienced players who know well the world of Nostale.

To initially have to separate the wheat from the chaff, we will go through the posts of candidates for active members are given priority. It is important to engage constructively. That is, someone with 50 entries, which are mainly in post-Hunting and spam, has a lower chance than someone with 25 contributions include, criticism and improvement. This selective, we will also consider the existing warnings.

In addition, of course, also plays an important role in the application. The form, which must fill her, can you see you here already. Questions regarding the PDF can also be posted here.

Now for something that, some are apparently not aware of:

What is the Closed Beta, and what you do there?
'The term refers to the Beta Test Software Test and bug finding a Software product which is currently in the development stage of beta. " (Source: Wikipedia) - Troubleshooting is the perfect cue. It is in the closed beta not about just playing, but to find bugs and to report them.

EP distribution, normal play operations such as trade, Teleport, etc., drop chances, Monster ... these are all things that must be paid to. Once you discover bugs, they must be reported on a ticket.

It is not absolutely necessary that you have already participated in a Closed Beta. But it is important that it trusts you the duties of a tester and you are aware of the effort.
Ho tradotto questa parte per quelli che pensano che hanno abbandonato il progetto in inglese:

There are rare items in the changelog, the progress bar changed on the website are not or only very rarely ..
No, the project is not dead And it's not a fake.

I am the only developer for both the server and the databases. The so-called "backend".
r0xy is something like the Community Manager and writes the guides or general texts, managed to capture information for the database and helped me every day just so that she was there for me.

decipher changes / adjustments aka plugins in the forum, packages, program the server to plan the logic .. all that I do alone.
Since I last days, or prop, already 2-3 weeks now, but privately have a few problems, I rarely head tell me to hang behind the code from the server, or different algorithms of packet encryption.
This is the only reason why the development at the moment something comes to succumb.
Unfortunately, I am a man who can be influenced greatly by his emotions and conduct. Since these are rarely positive in the moment, chaos reigns in the head and leaves no room for anything else.

Mitlerweile is all but so far, I'm not sleeping at night for me during the day can not concentrate on work, sleep or lack of seis because I think about it, and I have no evening head for the project.
This will change in the coming days.

I will pull back and take my time to myself.
If I can think again reasonably clear, the blows had processed and with myself again in the pure, I shall reconsider the project management plan from scratch and everything new.

What will change, I can not tell you in the moment. But in any event will change the team because I need assistance to which I can rely uncompromising. So I also would rather like to do everything alone, but to manage a project, program and manage a Community Server is not alone at 5 hours of free time a day.

Long story short - the project is not abandoned, not die, and completed 100%! Come what may.
I'll let you know as soon as it is one.

Thanks to all who so far have remained despite the slow development of some of the community. Without you, this project would be just as impossible as without the team.
I thank you all!

mfg Tommy aka GodLesZ
Bah per me se ne parla a giugno del 2011 ^^ ora mai apre la scuola e si ricomincia a lavorare quindi penso che ci vorrà un altro annetto
Una persona che conosco con cui ho litigato recentemente stava lavorando insieme a dei suoi amici su un retro di nostale italiano, anche se il termine giusto sarebbe server privato. Erano al 48% del progetto circa, riuscivano a loggare e avevano ricreato praticamente tutto il client.. mancano le tabelle dei pg, gli item e non ricordo che altro... Se volete altre info vedo di informarmi ;)
Senza offesa sei la cinquantesima persona che dice circa le stesse cose '-' Tutte bufale non dire altro grazie ^^
anche se il progetto non chiudeva la scuola era sempre di mezzo almeno che non si è uno di quelli che l'hanno lasciata dopo 2 bocciature :P

comunque champ se dici la verità fatti fare degli screen che lo dimostrano... ad esempio il login, un pg (siccome dici che gia potevano loggare) e i lavori senno di sto retro :Muhaha:
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