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Domanda Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

E' quello che sto cercando dall'inizio ma non è semplice... xD
Se l'avessi trovato avrei già risolto il problema...

E se contatto il produttore del plugin? :emoji_relieved:
Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

E se contatto il produttore del plugin? :emoji_relieved:
Uhm prova a vedere se ti risponde, in questo caso è la soluzione migliore visto che non riusciamo proprio a trovarlo...
Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

Uhm prova a vedere se ti risponde, in questo caso è la soluzione migliore visto che non riusciamo proprio a trovarlo...

Ho commentato nel topic del plugin su vBulletin.org!
--------------- AGGIUNTA AL POST ---------------
Uhm prova a vedere se ti risponde, in questo caso è la soluzione migliore visto che non riusciamo proprio a trovarlo...
@#Fabri Guarda questo plugin
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
e se lo usassimo? Nella discussione ti dice anche che template usa!
Ultima modifica:
Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

Ho commentato nel topic del plugin su vBulletin.org!
--------------- AGGIUNTA AL POST ---------------

@#Fabri Guarda questo plugin
Perfavore, Entra oppure Registrati per vedere i Link!
e se lo usassimo? Nella discussione ti dice anche che template usa!
Uhm possiamo provare.. installa il prodotto e prova a modificare così il template:
cerca qualcosa tipo:
{vb:raw sidebar}
e inserisci:
<ul id="sidebar">
{vb:raw sidebar}
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
var sidebar=$("#sidebar");
var sidebar_position=sidebar.position();
var sidebar_y_origin=sidebar_position.top;
var sidebar_margin_top='45';
var sidebar_trigger_y=(sidebar_y_origin-sidebar_margin_top);
if($(window).scrollTop()>=sidebar_trigger_y && sidebar.css('position')=='relative'){

if($(window).scrollTop()<sidebar_trigger_y && sidebar.css('position')!='relative'){

Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

Uhm possiamo provare.. installa il prodotto e prova a modificare così il template:
cerca qualcosa tipo:

e inserisci:

Ti copio il testo della discussione :emoji_relieved: (Apri lo spoiler):
Will add the forumhome sidebar everywhere logically possible to show it, with choices of locations.

First Screenshots show how it is "before/after" on the calendar page, doing some esthetical changes... some templates are less obvious!

Third screeny is about the settings you can change to your wills.

I take requests if you want other templates to be available...

Actual Pages where the sidebar can be activated on release date, Mar 21th, 2012:

Forumhome (can even be deactivate and show sidebar elsewhere)
Main Albums Pages
Forum Display
Main Groups Pages
Member List
Who's Online
Show Thread
Main Blog Pages

# How To use Nexia's Forum Sidebar Everywhere:

# Simple Installation:

1- upload via ftp the content of the /UPLOAD_THIS/ folder in your forum's base directory.

2- Import the Product file included in the /IMPORT_THIS/ folder.

3- AdminCP >> Settings >> Options >> Forum Sidebar and Block Options

Follow that path and change the list of pages you want the sidebar to show up.

# Customization:

If you have customized templates on the pages affected by this engine, you will need to edit it's related template to make it fit your custom design. To do so, it's simple... to edit our version of SHOWTHREAD, find SHOWTHREAD_SIDEBAR and edit it accordingly.
*(you can also hire nexialys to do the job!)

# What to Know:

This tool originally replace the pages you browse by pages that contain the sidebar you already have on Forum Home.

How it work is simple. Each page you see on your browser is made from a "template" containing the proper codes to display each elements you see in the page. For the default vBulletin, only the "Forum Home" page contain the codes to display a sidebar. But maybe you would like to see that sidebar in other pages where it would help the navigation of the visitors ?!

That's what this tool intend to do... add the sidebar in precise pages that deserve to. In the "Forum Sidebar and Block Options" page, you can now select what page will show the sidebar...

To make it more even, the FORUMHOME template was updated as well to look like all the others... as the sidebar is supposed to be similar everywhere.

# Why not adding everything via plugin instead of switching templates?:

When we add that kind of content via plugin, we face the possibility to have a template that is incompatible with the hooks we need, or a style that we can not trust because written poorly.

We switch templates so your designer can edit the default templates we provide and make them better if necessary. It is tangible content, it requires less server process, and you can customize it for each style you have... the other technique does not comply with that option.

EDIT: update on april 10th, now deactivate automatically for Mobile styles... *(as requested hundreds of times! )
EDIT: update on april 11th, edited the product file to fit forumhome for mobiles, sorry!

EDIT: august 9th, 2012: version 4.2 is now supported - memberlist and other pages are now showing proper content... sorry for the late, summer vacations with 7 kids is a bit complicated to deal with!

Devo aspettare l'admin principale per mettere via FTP la cartella, perchè io non ho accesso ad esso!
Riferimento: Sidebar in FORUMDISPLAY e problemi col bbcode CODE

Ti copio il testo della discussione :emoji_relieved: (Apri lo spoiler):
Will add the forumhome sidebar everywhere logically possible to show it, with choices of locations.

First Screenshots show how it is "before/after" on the calendar page, doing some esthetical changes... some templates are less obvious!

Third screeny is about the settings you can change to your wills.

I take requests if you want other templates to be available...

Actual Pages where the sidebar can be activated on release date, Mar 21th, 2012:

Forumhome (can even be deactivate and show sidebar elsewhere)
Main Albums Pages
Forum Display
Main Groups Pages
Member List
Who's Online
Show Thread
Main Blog Pages

# How To use Nexia's Forum Sidebar Everywhere:

# Simple Installation:

1- upload via ftp the content of the /UPLOAD_THIS/ folder in your forum's base directory.

2- Import the Product file included in the /IMPORT_THIS/ folder.

3- AdminCP >> Settings >> Options >> Forum Sidebar and Block Options

Follow that path and change the list of pages you want the sidebar to show up.

# Customization:

If you have customized templates on the pages affected by this engine, you will need to edit it's related template to make it fit your custom design. To do so, it's simple... to edit our version of SHOWTHREAD, find SHOWTHREAD_SIDEBAR and edit it accordingly.
*(you can also hire nexialys to do the job!)

# What to Know:

This tool originally replace the pages you browse by pages that contain the sidebar you already have on Forum Home.

How it work is simple. Each page you see on your browser is made from a "template" containing the proper codes to display each elements you see in the page. For the default vBulletin, only the "Forum Home" page contain the codes to display a sidebar. But maybe you would like to see that sidebar in other pages where it would help the navigation of the visitors ?!

That's what this tool intend to do... add the sidebar in precise pages that deserve to. In the "Forum Sidebar and Block Options" page, you can now select what page will show the sidebar...

To make it more even, the FORUMHOME template was updated as well to look like all the others... as the sidebar is supposed to be similar everywhere.

# Why not adding everything via plugin instead of switching templates?:

When we add that kind of content via plugin, we face the possibility to have a template that is incompatible with the hooks we need, or a style that we can not trust because written poorly.

We switch templates so your designer can edit the default templates we provide and make them better if necessary. It is tangible content, it requires less server process, and you can customize it for each style you have... the other technique does not comply with that option.

EDIT: update on april 10th, now deactivate automatically for Mobile styles... *(as requested hundreds of times! )
EDIT: update on april 11th, edited the product file to fit forumhome for mobiles, sorry!

EDIT: august 9th, 2012: version 4.2 is now supported - memberlist and other pages are now showing proper content... sorry for the late, summer vacations with 7 kids is a bit complicated to deal with!

Devo aspettare l'admin principale per mettere via FTP la cartella, perchè io non ho accesso ad esso!
Si l'avevo letto la discussione del plugin :emoji_relieved: